Senaste nytt Forums ny video!?!

  • ny video!?!

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 13 november, 2003 vid 09:46

    Tänkte bara höra om det är någon som har sett den nya videon man kan köpa på SP? Av trailern man kan ladda ner att dömma så verkar den ganska cool. Ville bara se så man inte bränner iväg 300pix ännu en gång på en rulle som inte alls håller måttet.

    skywalker svarade 21 år, 2 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • s238

    13 november, 2003 vid 09:52

    …och där var jag inloggad också.

  • anonym-anvandare

    13 november, 2003 vid 11:07

    Har beställt den, men i vanlig ordning tar det väl ett tag innan den kommer. Kan du vänta, så ska jag lägga in en recension när jag sett den.


  • dr-masse

    13 november, 2003 vid 12:12

    är faktiskt själv köpsugen… inte mindre efter att ha kollat

    fem av fem fick den

    Surfa På!

    (på engelska från en översättningsmotor)

    Length: 92 minutes price: EUR 34.90 Location: Africa (South Africa, Durban, La regret ion), Australia (Tasmanien, west Oz, Cocos Iceland), Europe (Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Klitmøller), Polynesien (Tahiti, Maui, Oahu), South America (Brazil, Venezuela) surfer: Robby Naish, Björn Dunkerbeck, Josh Angulo, Francisco Goya, Jason Polakow, Scott McKercher, Robert Teriitehau, Jason prior, Peter Volwater, Jonas Ceballos, Klaas Voget, Peter Garzke, Rik Fiddicke, Andy Wolff,.. Sound: Fungus, professor, Xplorer, de pulse, Roo Jaw, Cum, Journey agent, Thrust, Postal service, Slut, Ransom, Fat Jon,
    Supersuckers, all system Go, revolver,.. Rating:

    Tonix Pictures presented after long creative recess with that n plagued’ Play DVD again a worthwhile characteristic production. This time it goes on a tour all around the earth bale to the best Spots of the world, held on altogether 92 minutes film length.

    The list of the Top surfers is long and corresponding to krachend, the Action is: endless waves in west Australia and La regret ion, Freestyle fireworks and SuperCross on Fuerteventura, High wind Wavesailing on Gran Canaria, the newest Moves out of Brazil and Venezuela, mixed with amusing private video of the performers.

    Lot goes it with the actual head film (42 minutes) : Wavesailing in the Windsurfparadies Maui, perfect waves in west Oz, the Fanatic team in the Fotoshot on Gran Canaria, 15 meters high Jumps in the world Cup Pozo 2003, Ricardo Campello with incredible Doopelloops and other Manöverkreationen in Venezuela, Freestyle highly three and exciting SuperCross racing in the world Cup 2003 on Fuerteventura, Brazilian magic of Kauli Seadi at its HomespotsTeriitehau and to better last once again Hawaii.

    Yet that was first the half, for now it goes into the menu of the DVD. Here further 40 minutes wait Action and Lifestyle for hungry spectators: three stories out of Africa (Flowriding in Durban with Brian Talma and Jason prior, incredible waves in La regret ion and a pretty part out of cape city), five films out of Australia (Tasmanien, Magret River, Cocos Iceland, Rick’s it trick, Dunki’s it Search), further parts out of Europe (among other things a fat day in Denmark), south Sea Felling out of Polynesien and samba out of South America.

    Then it gives selected will can, like for example short portraits of the German Ripper Klaas Voget, yet the menu point portraits, over the further sequences to different drivers standards Günzlein and André Paskowski. Here the Verküpfungen refer partially to film sequence, that were to be seen already in the head film or the Travel-part, place therefore only an alternative navigation there in order to find contents.

    To the termination presented n plagued’ Play another orderly Crashpart that earns its name also!

    Result: the new dimension of the Windsurfens in the Freestyle, breathtaking Wavesailing and the tension in the new discipline SuperCross shows the DVD. In the selection of the receptions became also on the private archives of many worlds Cup pros back handles – so are a couple hits real to see. Next to first-class Actionaufnahmen and interesting impressions of almost each continent can please it you on Slapstick enclosures and a kunterbunte mixture of guaranteed entertaining commentaries.

    Simply extremely worth watching!

  • skywalker

    13 november, 2003 vid 12:21

    Teasern är grym. Denna kan nog vara värd sina pengar…
    Bl.a Teriitehau är en av mina favoritåkare. Skulle vara kul och se mer av honom in action smile.gif

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