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What board is good for a 85 kg guy ?
Publicerad av arnie på 28 september, 2004 vid 12:51I have been windsurfing on 135 liter freeride board now for quite some time and it is impossible to sail in high wind conditions ? (F2 powerglide). im not so interested in speed more in learning to turn, jump maybe one day. I need a board for high wind conditions. but what to buy ? should it be 90 liters ? more or less ? i have no clue what the next step would be if you can only afford 1 board and weight 85 kg ? any advice ?
dr-masse svarade 20 år, 3 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 3 Svar -
3 Svar
I’d say that around 90 liters is some kind of minimum, considering your skills and other board.
But volume is only one, although important, indicator. Maybe som info regarding:
What sail sizes do you want to use? Conditions? What sail sizes do you have? Expect to buy? What kind of sailing do you want do to and/or improve?
The turn/jump thing and not too much speed certainly indicates a small freestyle or a freestylewave kind of board.
If you are able to give info on that, people here (and maybe even myself) will be able to give more useful input.
Surfa På!
i have a 3.7, 4.5 (old), 5.0 (even older), 6.2 and a 7.5. i bought the 3.7 to go out in huge wind but now realise that it is impossible to use with a 135 liter board. i want to be a freestyler but im lightyears away from that. i want to go out in as many possible conditions. i live in gothenburg so mostly flat water conditions in fiskeback.
the f2 compstyle looks nice but comes in many different liters ? …i have no clue what to take.
Well, it seems like the 6.2 is a good sail to have as the smallest for your big board largest for you small board.
– Fluky conditions with 6.2 = big board
– Good conditions with power in 6.2 = small boardI’d say that with three sails, 6.2, 5.5-5.0 and a 4.5 you’ll have almost everything covered up.
The 3.7 is a sail that would only be useful on a very small board, even for you. Like less than 80 liters… Maybe try to upgrade the 3.7 and 5.0 for something slightly more up to date?
And yes, you are correct. The 3.7 is not a useful sail on your big board. Only for light-wind beginners, otherwise useless. Even the 5.0 is on the small size for a board of the size and range that you have.
A modern 5.0 will give you a lot more range and stability compared with an old one.
Now, boards.
I think that you should have a serious look at a smaller (90-100 liters) freestyle with good control or a larger (90-100 liters) freestylewaveboard.
Just to give you a few ideas (no ranking, no recommendations, but options):
Small freestyle boards: f2 compstyle might be good. Not the earliest planer, but good control and turns sweeeetly. Go for the smaller one (95 liters 2004 and 2003), the smallest Mistral Joker 101 and 102 is similar, the RRD Twintip 90 is also an option. Also AHD has some allround boards, like the mX 61 and Maxxride 60 that might be worth a look. Fanatic has the Skate 100 and 101 which is very allround.
Freestylewave boards; JP FSW 98 and 91, RRD Freestlyewave L, F2 Style 250 and 255, Mistral Syncro 90, Naish Supercross, Fanatic Freewave 95, Exocet Original Wave 95… lot’s to be had!
You can find facts and pictures of most of these boards at
If you are thinkin flat mostly, I would really recommend a smaller freestyle board. They are tons of fun in that kind of conditions, even for an unexperienced short-board sailor.
If you think that some waves will be sailed, go for a larger freestylewave. Also, talk to the guys in Fiskebäck. They will help you for sure. Or at least they will talk (a lot) with you, I mean you’re in Gothenburg… 😉
Good luck!
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