FS Speed
Här kommer en liten sammanfattning skriven av Andreas som slog mina 80.9 km/h med råge för ett par dagar sedan. Fast han körde ju på en FS Speed så det var ju nästan fusk.
”The Canadian Flysufer rep somehow convinced Flysufer to send him out a new Speed kite and I was lucky enough to get a chance to try it out the other day. At first I wasn’t to interested trying a ”race” kite as I am mostly into free-riding but the temptation to try out a few speed runs and something new was to great. The first day I tried it we were out freeriding and Mike sent Misha out on it. He started jumping it right away and was going absolutely huge!! Grinning from ear to ear he said ”you gotta try this thing.” I jumped on it and I was immediately surprised at how comfortable I was and how easy it was to fly. I was expecting a much more technical ride but I was comfortable almost immediately and man does it ever jump! I asked Mike if we could take it out the next good day to the Lake for some Speed runs. Yesterday was the day. Sunny, Warm and winds in the 25-40km/h range with the odd stronger gust. I put up the 10m Speed and again I was suprised at how comfortable I was right from the first reach. I couldn’t believe how powerful it was; way more than my Extacy 10m (probably in the range of a 13m Psycho2) I did 4-5 downwind reaches and stopped to check out my speeds: 60.1mph! 97km/h!! It was way easier and more comfortable than when I went 80km/h a few weeks prior on my Exxtacy 10m. Mike figured we were so close that we should try for 100km/h. I started doing downwind reach after reach. Although I was in the high 50mph range on almost every reach I just couldn’t top my previous time and was just about to give up when I got hit by a huge gust. I let it take me and went for the ride. While I was slowing down I looked down at my GPS to see 66.9mph! 108km/h!! Exhausted I wasn’t looking forward to the long treck back upwind as I could no longer see the trucks. To my suprise though I got back in one reach! This thing absolutley trucks upwind! When I got back I thought I would try a few jumps with it before putting it down. After getting the **** scared out of me going way bigger than I expected or wanted over the not so soft ground I figured it was time to call it a day. What a day!!
Andreas Dahle
Edmonton, Alberta ”/Kaj(Tech)
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