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    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 13 december, 2005 vid 10:20

    UK Windsurfing Association
    The home of competitive windsurfing

    RYA Youth and Junior Pathway announced
    « BBC Sportsman Nomination for Keith AtkinsonLWA Young Windsurfer of the Year » Following on from the recent ISAF decision to use the Olympic RSX board as the Youth board at the ISAF Youth Worlds Championships the RYA is pleased to announce the new Youth and Junior pathway.

    It is exciting times for Youth and Junior Windsurfing and with two new boards the RSX and the BIC Techno), in the pathway the opportunities available are numerous.

    The RSX has proven to be a fantastic new board providing new challenges and differing demands. With 2006 being the first season that the RSX is used at Youth level the opportunities to get ahead are plenty. Obviously the sooner sailors familiarise themselves on the new equipment and learn the techniques associated with sailing a hybrid board the better placed they will be to succeed in Youth and Olympic Racing.

    The RYA’s advice in order to provide sailors with the best chance of success is for sailors to transfer to the RSX equipment (8.5 sqm sail and 60cm fin) as soon as possible; however it is understood that ISAF have made this decision relatively late in the year and some sailors may have already committed to another class. Those sailors whose commitments are unchangeable can rest assured that there will still be coaching and racing for MJOD and IMCO throughout 2006. However MJOD and IMCO will be phased out of the RYA programme at the end of the 2006 racing season.

    The Pathway Explained
    Under 14
    If you are a Under 14 sailor, BIC Techno with a 6.8 one design rig, is the RYA designated equipment for you.

    Under 16
    For 2006 in this age bracket you have three choices dependent upon weight/ability and experience. If you are lighter or have come into the sport later you should choose Techno 7.8. If you are heavier (over 58kgs) you would choose an RSX board with an 8.5 sqm rig. If you are already competing on the MJOD and cannot change over to the RSX you can continue to race on the MJOD for the 2006 season.

    Under 18
    If you are an under 18 sailor you have two choices. The RYA preferred choice is to transfer to the RSX as soon as is possible; however the other is to continue racing and training on the IMCO for the 2006.

    2005/06 Season
    There will be three RYA National Squads running in 2005/06:

    Techno (6.8/7.8)
    If you have any questions please email Helen Cartwright.

    *Please note that all ages refer to age on 31st December in year of selection i.e 31st December 2005.

    Chris M commented that:

    The age ranges for the RYA Junior and Youth squads are the same as they’ve been for the last five years, which ties in with the international class rules for Techno, MJOD & IMCO.

    The only difference is in the descriptions used, where the RYA now refer to the maximum age in the year of selection (14,16,18) as opposed to the age in the year of competition (15,17,19) which was used previously.

    This entry was posted on Thursday, December 1st, 2005 at 12:13 pm and is filed under UKWA.

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    © UK Windsurfing Association. About this website.
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    jesper_b svarade 18 år, 11 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • swe-514

    22 december, 2005 vid 07:42

    Youth Windsurfing: The Techno 293 Class and Team 15 News
    Techno 293 class rigs: The Tushingham TK-68 & TK-78
    The Techno 293 has replaced the Aloha as the new international junior & youth racing board and is now the official trainer and feeder for the Olympic class. Whilst the board is a one design, the rig is ‘open’ with competitors free to choose any rig from the official class approved list. There are two rig sizes; 6.8m for under 14’s and 7.8m for racers under 16 years. The rig requirements are fairly broad, the biggest constraint being a class imposed price limit.

    Here is the summary of the 2006 Techno 293 Class rules for the rig:

    RIG: must be available at retail, including local taxes for 700 Euros or £500 Sterling
    SAIL: max. 6 battens & 2 cams, no larger than 6.8m
    MAST: must be less than 100% carbon
    BOOM: must be aluminium

    7.8m Rig. As above but no larger than 7.8m

    Sail registration for 2006 is now complete, a list of approved rigs can be viewed on the class website link t.b.a. The list does, of course, include the two Tushingham rigs.

    The Techno 293 has the support of the International Windsurfing Association and its member classes Raceboard (IRC) Formula (IFWC) and Funboard (IFCA). Furthermore it is recognised as the ‘first step’ on the Olympic pathway – supporting the RS-X Olympic class. In the UK alone it is estimated that over 200 youths compete, with greater numbers still in France, Germany and Italy.

    The situation in the UK is slightly different because the RYA have decided that all their training and supported squads will use a one design rig selected from the approved list, after trials by their own racers and coaches. This move is designed to provide a level playing field for all young UK sailors, avoiding an expensive ‘arms race’ and allowing the youngsters to concentrate on the more important aspects of their own performance in their formative years.

    We are delighted to announce that the RYA have chosen the Tushingham TK-68 and 78 to be the UK One Design rig for the next few years. More information about the new Youth and Junior pathways can be foung on the UKWA website:

    Tushingham TK-68 and TK-78 rigs
    Ken Black has spent a long time developing these rigs specifically for use on a Techno 293, with extensive testing in varying wind strengths, even asking our mast manufacturer to produce a special 460 IMCS 23 mast to enhance the pumping and match the characteristics of the board. Both rigs are tuneable, catering for adjustable downhaul and outhaul systems to maximise both wind-range and upwind/downwind performance.

    The rules are so simple that most manufacturers have just registered an existing cambered/non cambered sail from their 2006 collection which fits within the rules. However, consider that the Techno 293 will be raced predominantly by smaller sailors in non-planing conditions. Therefore, a standard off-the-shelf 6.5-6.8m sail will be too flat, with a foil that is too open and rigid. We saw a clear need for these new designs, aimed at powering lighter sailors on relatively heavy boards, from 5 to 25 knots.

    Specifications & Prices

    Rig Supplied Mast Luff Length Supplied Boom Boom Length Battens Cams Rig Price
    TK-68 60% Carbon 460 / IMCS 23 462cm HPL Taper 185-235cm 214cm 6 2 €700
    TK-78 70% Carbon 460 / IMCS 25 488cm HPL Taper 185-235cm 223cm 7 2 €700

    Placing an order
    Both rigs are now in production, with initial deliveries due in to our UK warehouse in the coming months. The rigs and their components must be ordered through a dealer or distributor:

    UK Customers: contact your retailer (to find your nearest dealer click here)
    Non-UK Customers: contact your national distributor (click here for details)

    If your country does not have Tushingham distribution please e-mail and we will try to find the best solution to help you obtain a rig.

    We are very confident that the TK68 and TK78 will be the most competitive rig for racing on the Techno 293 in 2006. Demand will be high so contact your dealer quickly to avoid delays in supply!

    Techno Class Racing & T-15 News
    Not only do we produce the fantastic TK racing sails, we’re also Gold Sponsors of Team 15 – the RYA’s brilliant initiative for windsurfers under 15 years old and this is our news section dedicated to these areas. If you race in the Techno 293 class or as part of Team 15, send your stories, results and pictures by e-mail to and the best will be posted right here for all to see. Event reports, sailor profiles, club news, location reports and basically anything else that’s interesting and related to Techno 293 racing and T-15 windsurfing are welcome.

    Tushingham are Gold Sponsors of Team 15 – the RYA’s brilliant initiative for windsurfers under 15 years old and this is our dedicated T-15 news page. If you are part of the scheme and have a good story plus digital picture from your club then e-mail it to and the best will be posted right here for all to see. Event reports, sailor profiles, club news, location reports and basically anything else that’s interesting and related to T-15 windsurfing are welcome.

    21/07/05 – DINO RIGS

    High – performance kids kit – AVAILABLE NOW!!!

    The Tushingham Dino continues to be extremely popular at Team 15 clubs all around the country. The sail is produced to the high standards of all the “adult” Tushingham models with excellent fittings and build quality. When combined with the light Dino mast and kids boom the complete rig is absolutely brilliant for youngsters in light winds right up to full planing conditions.

    Unlike many “budget” kids rigs, the Dino has been designed with a wide wind range in mind: designer Ken Black has made every model tuneable through downhaul and outhaul. When the wind increases pull on more tension: the sail twists off in the gusts and just keeps working!

    More info on the Dino can be found here.

    © 2005 TushinghamHomeSailsRiggingMastsNewsYouthEventsDistributionGalleryFAQTest reviewsLinksContactOverview20052004200320022001Dino (kids)Spitfire (formula racing)Lightning (2-cam)X-15 (speed)Mustang (small people)Wedge (freestyle)Storm (all round)T Bird T2 (freeride)The Rock (wave)Dino (kids)Spitfire (formula racing)Lightning (2-cam)Mustang (small people)Session (freestyle)Storm (all round)T Bird T2 (freeride)The Rock (wave)Dino (kids)Formula (race)Lightning (2-cam)Mustang (small people)Session (freestyle)Start (beginner)Storm (all round)T Bird (freeride)The Rock (wave)Dino (kids)Formula (race)Lightning (2-cam)Mustang (small people)Session (freestyle)Start (beginner)Storm (all round)T Bird (freeride)The Rock (wave)Vulcan (wave)Formula (race)Hekler (freeride)Max (freerace)Storm (all round)Vulcan (wave)Rig it Right DVD200520042002/03SpitfireLightningX-15MustangWedgeStormT BirdThe RockSpitfireLightningMustangSessionStormT BirdThe RockFormulaLightningMustangSessionStormT BirdVulcanThe RockCarbon 45Freewave 75Freeride 75Freerace 100Superlight RSuperlight CDSRD Wave 100Dino 60UK and EireOverseas2005200420032002WallpaperDinoSpitfireLightningX-15MustangWedgeStormT BirdThe RockDinoSpitfireLightningMustangSessionStormT BirdThe RockGeneralDinoFormulaLightningMustangSessionStormT BirdThe RockGeneralFormulaLightningMustangSessionStartStormT BirdVulcanSponsorshipPricingRepairsNew to windsurfing

  • swe-514

    13 januari, 2006 vid 18:54

    Norbaggarna är allt med på noterna!Kolla deras brettseilasforbundssida

  • swe-1

    17 januari, 2006 vid 23:16

    Hmmm, lite takar:
    Om Sverige inte ska vara hopplöst efter internationellt så tror jag man måste satsa på RS:X vilket är en perfekt instegsbräda även för Formula. Jag tror inte den kommer att ersätta Formulan helt men RS:X klassen kommer helt klart att bli mycket större, troligen redan under 2006 då många av de stora vindsurfingnationerna satsar stenhårt på RS:X. På raceboard VM startade över 100 RS:Xer vilket är fler än på senaste Formula VM och brädan har knappt ännu blivit lanserad! Formulan har fått vindsurfing att växa något men RS:X har så mycket större potential då den inte är lika extrem, mer mainstream, vilket öppnar upp för den stora massan. Visst den är inte riktigt lika snabb som en formula men ser jag till mig själv så är det tävlingsmomentet som får mitt adrenalin att pumpa och inte den sista knopen i fart. Tror att RS:X kan öppna upp för ännu tajtare racing och framförallt större startfält nationellt. Det är ju en väldigt lättseglad bräda (i lätta vindar), extremt hållbar och funkar kanon som nybörjarbräda med liten rigg eller kanske dam/junior riggen på 8.5m2. Alla kan ha kul på en RS:X vilket är nyckeln till att få fler som vindsurfar. Att få ut RS:X på bred marknad och sammarbeta med jolleklubbarna, träning fasta dagar och tider med tränare och bana vore en bra början…

    tror JIMMY

  • swe-514

    6 februari, 2006 vid 15:19

    “Optimistjollens” nya hemsida:

  • jesper_b

    7 februari, 2006 vid 21:20

    Tycker det är trist att vi ställer Formula vs RSX, dvs emot varandra. Klart hybridbrädorna har fördelar framför Formula. Framför allt funkar bättre i ickeplanande förhållanden. Klart Formula är en mer extrem klass som kräver mer teknik och kanske mindre taktiskt sinnelag (även om man nog inte ska överdriva).

    Sålunda är hybridbrädan perfekt instegsbräda och segelklubbsbräda, medan Formulan är mer av just Formula… ett.

    Det jag tycker är mest trist med nya os-klassen är att den är en enfabrikatsklass. Nog vore det mycket roligare med en strikt entypsklass där alla tillverkare kunde vara med. Det skulle göra incitamenten till produktutveckling högre och få med fler pro-seglare med kontrakt hos olika fabrikat.

    /Jesper B

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