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  • Slingshot Wave Grenade technology raises the 5 line bar

    Publicerad av lasurf på 14 januari, 2006 vid 15:57

    NEW for 2006 Slingshot introduces the patent pending Wave Grenade. The Wave Grenade is a stock feature on all Slingshot 5 Line Profire Performance Bars. What is the Wave Grenade and why do you need it? In short when deployed it prevents 5th line ’bow-ties’ and subsequent kite damage.

    In 2005 we saw the introduction of a new technology that helped make kiting safer and more accessible to the masses. That innovation was the 5th line. As we all used and got more familiar with flying 5 line kites we soon realized its very fatal flaw. When your kite is crashed in the water an unfortunate situation could arise where the 5th line wraps around the canopy and leading edge tying it in a ’bow-tie’. As the 5th line tensions, the canopy and kite eventually tear in half. ’I’ve seen rips that range up to an 8 on a scale of 1-10 and they range up to $200.00 in cost.’ says K.C. Houtz owner of Airtime Kite Repair.
    Slingshot recognized the need for a solution to the ’bow-tie’ effect and designed the Wave Grenade for use with all its 5 line kites. If your kite becomes ’bow-tied’ deploy the Wave Grenade. This releases the 5th line and transforms your kite into a 4 line kite allowing you to traditionally relaunch and getting you back to shore safely with you and your kite in one piece. Note that by clipping your Quick Release Surefire Bungee and deployed Wave Grenade pin to either Oh-Shit loop available on the Profire Performance 5 Line Bar, you don’t have to sacrifice safety. Now that you’re back on shore you can reboot the Wave Grenade and get on the water.

    ollefax svarade 19 år, 2 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • ollefax

    14 januari, 2006 vid 16:20

    monkey kites 5e lina släpper man också väldigt lätt. Inget release handtag, men det tar inte många sekunder att pilla väck. glöm inte det 🙂

    Jag fattar inte att north och andra som körde hårt på 5e lina förra året inte har haft det där hela tiden. Sån självklar grej.

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