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  • S-cross brädor

    Publicerad av svanvik på 21 mars, 2006 vid 06:51

    Någon som läst några bra tester på S-cross brädor de senaste åren? Vilka är mest inriktade på fart respektive manöverbarhet. Utsedda testvinnare och kalkoner under 04 och 05 kanske. Även 06 om det finns tillgängligt är så klart intressant.

    Knatte svarade 18 år, 11 månader sedan 8 Medlemmar · 13 Svar
  • 13 Svar
  • surfen

    21 mars, 2006 vid 09:26

    Här kan du läsa lite från Exocets hemsida, inte från en opartisk men ändå. Själv så har jag fått min Scross93 ligger i garaget och bara väntar på isfritt vatten. Ser bra ut och känns som den kommer att gå fint i choppigt vattnet.

  • hzon

    21 mars, 2006 vid 10:23

    Riktigt läcker!

  • adloon

    21 mars, 2006 vid 11:22

    F2 Eliminator

  • Knatte

    21 mars, 2006 vid 18:51

    JP super X, Fanatic Hawk /Eagle har väl fått bra betyg i alla tester..:grin:

  • Oregistrerad

    21 mars, 2006 vid 19:30

    Exocet brädan ser grymm ut! Finn det någon test på brädan??

  • Oregistrerad

    21 mars, 2006 vid 20:51
    Oregistrerad wrote:
    Exocet brädan ser grymm ut! Finn det någon test på brädan??

    Lite från Exocets hemsida:

    Scross 140
    Planchemag France, October 05
    Imperial in light winds.
    … The equipment is very good, with the new freeride fin and ultra smooth heel shock absorbers. … Very stable under the feet, the Scross 140 deliver the quickest acceleration and highest top speed… In light winds its performances outrun those of the competition especially upwind and trough the lulls…. On top of that the board sails comfortably in rough waters, thanks to the shock absorbers…
    …Perfect with 8 to 9 m2 sails, the Scross 140 is a high performance freerace board capable on competing with dedicated racing boards in light winds. An excellent choice for force 4 windsurfing.

    Scross 140
    Wind France, October 05
    Maximum performance and comfort on flat water.
    … Top ergonomics of the deck, with shock absorbers offering outstanding comfort in the chop whatever your sailing style, which is rare enough to be underlined. Very wide, it’s stable and floaty enough, reassuring from the first ride, even for heavyweights. The Scross 140 is fast on a plane, one easily find the straps and it accelerates truly like a racing board…

  • svanvik

    23 mars, 2006 vid 06:24

    Vilka är snabbast och vilka är mer lättmanövrerade? Ingen som har en sådan jämförelse på lager? Är ute efter något på drygt hundra kanske upp till 115 liter.

  • niclase

    23 mars, 2006 vid 10:28
    Svanvik wrote:
    Vilka är snabbast och vilka är mer lättmanövrerade? Ingen som har en sådan jämförelse på lager? Är ute efter något på drygt hundra kanske upp till 115 liter.

    Kolla in denna länk.…ds115l2005.htm

    Det var någon vänlig själ som skickade den till mig när jag inte visste vilken SuperX bräda jag skulle köpa.

    Lycka till.


  • surfslusken

    24 mars, 2006 vid 14:42

    Snackade lite speedbrädor me Orjan Jensen på Proof när jag var nere för ett par veckor sen. Ja undra om dom hade nåt ställe på GC där de funkade o köra me riktiga hardcore speed brädor. Han sa att Dunkerbeck brukar träna innanför hamnpiren som ligger norr om Moscapoint (norr om Pozo). Det går dock bara att få till en 100 meters bana med ostörd vind där. Dunken har snittat 47 knop på dom hundra meterna, inte illa me tanke på förhållandena.

    Men de jag egentligen skulle komma till var att Orjan själv har snittat 33 knop på samma bana med en Proof X-cross! E alla x-cross brädor så snabba? Har själv aldrig testat en, men som dom ser ut vet ja fan om jag skulle vilja ha en sån under föttrena i 33 knop!

  • jester

    24 mars, 2006 vid 16:05

    Har snittat 32.6 knop över 500m (toppfart 35.7 knop) med en JP SuperX på 106 liter. Och det i långt ifrån ideala förhållanden (Torkelstorp). Det var faktiskt helt odramatiskt, och en ganska lugn färd. Så SuperX-brädor är riktigt snabba, och samtidigt väldigt snälla att köra fort med.

    Dock verkar det finns 2 ”skolor” för SuperX brädor. JP, Starboard och Exocet ser ut som något nedtonade slalombrädor, medans F2 Eliminator, Fanatic Hawk och några andra har lite mera freestyle-stuk över sig. Har dock bara kört JPn själv, så jag kan ha fel.

  • oscar

    24 mars, 2006 vid 18:54

    Enligt de tester jag läst så verkar ju Hawken ingen freestyle direkt….

  • jester

    24 mars, 2006 vid 19:23

    *mera* freestyle än dom tidigare nämnda. Kanske skulle sagt lite mindre slalom är bättre uttryckt. Men har som sagt inte testat brädorna själv.

  • Knatte

    24 mars, 2006 vid 22:06

    I sista nummret av Boards så testas några Super X brädor. Du kanske kan ladda ner en kopia via Zino:

    Lite från Boards tester:
    JP Australia Super-X 96 Year 2005
    2005 design gave clearly the most exciting ‘short board’ feel of this test with the best footsteering, manoeuvrability and jumping. Not too dissimilar in terms of versatility to the best all-rounders available in this size, and certainly faster. Indeed, it’s pretty much on the pace of the very fastest specialist slalom designs in this test; all it lacks is either the half a percent of the very fastest board or the ability of a competition slalom board to squeeze out another yard or two when seriously powered.

    It is very smooth, comfortable and controllable in a straight line, gets going early and tracks easily and securely. Its gybing was agile and sharp compared to the average, it’s great for bump&jump sailing and offers reasonable freestyle performance too..

    Fittings: Excellent straps and deck comfort. Average fin. Comfortable wind range 5.0 – 7.0m.

    Overall: We were surprised how similar the performance is to the JP sister range Freestyle Waves. It was the most recreationally relevant of these ‘fast’ boards since its versatility and short board sensation give it a broader appeal with wider application for varied waterstates. But like the Freestyle wave it is principally a fast, smooth and classy blaster with excellent chop hopping and reasonable application for Freestyle if required. It is perhaps a fraction less agile but a better early planer than the FSW, best suited to and excellent fun for fast blasting, gybing and jumping in Force 4-5 and there aren’t many who don’t enjoy that!

    Starboard S-Type 104 Year 2005
    Category SuperX Board (Medium)
    Test Report The 104 S-Type is the smallest of a new range from Starboard designed to fall between their long running Carve Freerides and the successful Sonic slalom boards, and deliver ‘high speed, slalom based Freeride shapes’. Starboard have never been afraid to push the boundaries and the S Type is yet another excitingly unconventional board, exploring new dimensions of slalom design. It was the shortest on test by two or three inches, has the widest nose by far and also has the shortest tail rocker flat and the least Vee (though not the concaves or single concaves of the Evo and Hypersonic). Not surprisingly it therefore feels a bit different to all the other boards!

    You notice this most in the floaty, skimming type feel that it has, slightly reminiscent of the Hypersonic; seeming to ride on a cushion of air and staying very flat. It is unusual and fun to ride, giving a sensation of effortlessness with its speed. This would mean little if it was slow – but it most certainly isn’t. The speed too is reminiscent of the Hypersonic. Our trials showed it to be faster than any other recreational board and as fast as the competition slalom board IN ALL BUT HEAVILY OVERPOWERED CONDITIONS; possibly even faster in comfortably powered, flat water beam reaching.

    Considering the relatively short tail rocker flat and small fin its average moderate wind early planing was a nice extra surprise, but ultimately it loves to be just perfectly powered, when its easy planing, effortlessness has most effect. It keeps pretty good control in well-powered conditions but as ‘well’ starts to become ‘over’ the big nose and low Vee inevitably give a bit more windage and less grip than you get on the more top-end-orientated boards.

    While the speed and smooth ride are reminiscent of the Hypersonic, the S-Type certainly doesn’t suffer from the same lack of manoeuvrability. It feels responsive and manoeuvrable in conventional short board manner and is not hard to sail. It gybes well, keeping a fast arc if banked with commitment and not allowed to flatten out through the turn. Although still fairly speed-orientated compared to the Freerides in this test, it jumps and manoeuvres just about well enough to satisfy the Supercross criteria that it boasts and it has enough volume to cope with some Freestyle too.

    The ergonomic comfort is notable with a lovely rounded deck and everything perfectly placed.
    Fittings: Straps are thick, so very comfy for bare feet (less so for boots) but slightly inclined to twist. The Tuttle box fin seems fine.

    Range: Best with 5.8 – 6.8m, comfortable with 5.3 – 7.0m.

    Overall: Flat, low nosed and very much more Slalom than All-rounder; it’s definitely orientated towards buyers looking primarily for straight line speed and blasting. Yet it’s not technically demanding; it is an easy blaster that offers tangible speed performance and – unlike traditional slalom boards – doesn’t need to be heavily overpowered to provide it! This board is designed to perform best in ‘normal conditions’, and as such should answer the prayers of many recreational speed hounds, offering them a clear performance advantage with unusual smoothness and comfort. A really comfortable, fast and uplifting ride.

    F2 Eliminator 105 Year 2005
    Category SuperX Board (Medium)
    Test Report The two-board Eliminator range (105 & 115L) are F2’s Supercross range.


    Probably the smallest feeling board here, it has a fairly small planing area (combined with tail cut outs), so it’s not the quickest of this bunch to get going, but when it releases it is very nippy indeed, with excellent acceleration, and a very light and super lively feel. Despite its supercross billing it looks and feels like a board primarily for freestyle – it’s far more eager to manoeuvre than to blast, lacking either outboard strap positions or a domed deck, but with its natural speed it’s a great board for experts to bust out super fast freestyle moves. Being so small it is inevitably quite technical in nature; quick to punish any mistakes by dropping off the plane. But when you get it right it slips through moves and gybes with lightning speed. We found it happiest zapping around on flatter water and chop rather than full-on waves..


    A popular board due to its lively feel and obvious speed. Most guesters could clearly appreciate how the board would be best suited to more advanced sailors, due to its small feel, short nose (which makes it technical to tack) and lack of stability when non planing.


    The strap positions are quite inboard, again enhancing that freestyle desire. The straps themselves are high quality and the 30cm powerbox fin is excellent.

    A small feeling and extremely quick board with clear freestyle leanings. Definitely best suited to advanced rather than intermediate sailors as it punishes poor technique, but when you’re in the zone it’s a great board to sail. Life seems to speed up! Happy with sails of around 5.3 to 6.2m, probably most comfortable with around 5.8 and flattish water. Despite its fairly specialist leanings it was well liked by everyone.

    Fanatic Hawk 110 Year 2005
    Category Medium Slalom/Race Board
    Test Report The Hawk is Fanatic’s new two-board Supercross range (110 & 95L), designed to create ”the perfect speed/manouevre combination…”.

    The Hawk is the biggest board in this test, yet although it does definitely feel large, it is still reasonably lively and exciting to sail. It feels chunky underfoot, with a high volume tail, loads of rail to wrap your feet around and it is very comfortable to sail with good balance, easy tracking and high tolerance of errant foot positioning and pressure. It is a very early and easy board to get planing, and it accelerates very smoothly up to top speed. There’s no question that this board is definitely a great blaster! It’s also a fast if somewhat stiff gyber, best suited to slalom type (step) gybes where fast exits are the goal rather than carving the tightest of arcs. All this gives it good versatility, and it seems to turn its hand well to most types of slalom/Supercross/blast and freeride sailing, although it can get a bit hectic over serious chop or when the wind really gets up. Our freestylers reported it is also a surprisingly good aerial styler (given its size) and possesses more agility than you might expect in carving freestyle too.


    Very popular with all the guesters in the right conditions, particularly when its early planing and smooth easy blasting got it going before almost anything else in this test. It was generally well liked by all, but scored particularly well with the heavier sailors.

    It comes with a good 34cm fin, and the wide range of strap positions available increases its versatility greatly.

    A great blasting-orientated all-rounder which can, at a pinch, be used with sails down to 5.5, but can also go up to as much as 8.0m if used with a bigger fin. Don’t be put off by the SuperX marketing – this board offers great intermediate appeal as a slalomy freerider and is also a very good super-heavyweight’s fast-tail all-rounder. Recommended

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