[arcusers] Performance Report, Venom vs. "Bow" (hybrid flat-bridled inflatable)
Inte för att jag förväntar mig någon överskridande objektivitet i svaren. Men ni som kör venoms där ute kan ju ta och ögna igenom följande post från arcusers.
After fairly extensive testing of a 2006 Globe ”Sonic” (which is supposedly one of the best of the ”new breed”) against a 2005 Venom- 1, I’m sticking with Peter Lynn, & have ordered a V-2 to replace my V- 1. Here’s why:TwinSkin still has these advantages:
1) Jump float*
2) Jump landing softness*
3) Much smoother power in gusty winds.
4) Better light wind pointing (which is when it matters most)
5) Much easier & safer self-landing
6) Much easier & safer self-launch from the beach
7) Auto-Pilot/Auto Zenith (Sonic has auto-CRASH, like all LEIs)
8) Lighter & MUCH smaller to transport ready-to-ride (with struts
inflated) especially including the pump**
9) Overall personal & public safety*
10) Better longevity
11) Easier to modify (to newer model’s performance)
11) No pumping, pumping, pumping, pumping, or pumping, etc. etc. …Shared Qualities:
1) Wind range* (V-2 may be better, but Sonic 11 low & high end seem very similar to V1-13)**
2) Jump Height*All contrary to the hype.
**With a 2005 Venom I can actually get MORE wind range from a ”bag- full” of gear, since I can fit both my boards. With the Sonic struts inflated (& I sure wouldn’t want to have to pump them all up every
time) only one board will fit, even in my giant bag.Hybrid Advantages:
1) Faster turning*** (V2 should be similar) except when underpowered (which is when it matters most!)
2) Even better depower when flying low through the window***
3) Even better upwind, but only in the upper 3/4 of the wind range (when it doesn’t matter much)
4) Even easier water (or land) relaunch, although it’s VERY much more likely to be required (MUCH more likely to crash than a Venom)***Both nice for quick board turns, & could be nice for certain styles of wave riding (which I don’t do). Strangely, the extra depower feeling doesn’t seem to apply to top end wind handling.
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