Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Hugo heard there was wind..

  • danneee

    8 september, 2006 vid 08:44
    skotten wrote:
    him on the way to the beach…

    I got a e-mail from a friend in GB today with funny pictures. Your weather station in Habo Ljung was one of the photographs! So congrats! your famous. However the photgraph said it was a Irish weatherstation, I thought you were Skottish?… 😉

    / Daniel

  • skotten

    8 september, 2006 vid 18:51

    heh heh, yeah I am scottish, but we make jokes about the Irish like the swedish make about the Norwegians….

    Like how do you sink an Irish submarine?? Knock on the door…

    same way we could call this Irish lol

  • gh0st

    8 september, 2006 vid 19:13

    Hehe, yep that seemed like Hugos driving today to me ; )

  • kamikazekiteren

    8 september, 2006 vid 22:01
    skotten wrote:
    him on the way to the beach…

    MEN han kom vel inte helt fram??

  • gh0st

    9 september, 2006 vid 08:00


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