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  • kitesurfing near ystad

    Publicerad av albert på 20 februari, 2007 vid 16:57

    hello my name is albert huizeling from the netherlands
    in august i will be 1 weak in Ystad where can i kite surf there :confused2:

    what for spot are there nearby

    and where can i rent a car in Ystad

    is there a web cam on the beach

    i most play at the militair tattoo in Ystad whit my Bagpipeband
    i kitesurf now for 7 years and do a few trix

    greetings from ameland the netherlands

    albert huizeling old site of me 😀 :confused2:

    skotten svarade 17 år, 11 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • kasimir

    24 februari, 2007 vid 22:51

    Hi mate! There’re some places around Ystad just e-mail me before you come and I’ll show you if you teach me to play the pipes. Take care and see you sport.

  • skotten

    4 mars, 2007 vid 15:29

    hahaha cool always nice to meet someone that plays the pipes… man its been years since I done it..

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