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- Needs Instructors!!
Publicerad av skotten på 29 maj, 2007 vid 22:04…………..
jonaish svarade 17 år, 9 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 10 Svar -
10 Svar
ok thanks for all your mails… I still need someone to cover the Gothenberg area to the north as I have båstad covered.
@skotten 391210 wrote:
again gothenberg anyone??
Hi Tony….your fat boy….i’m fresh…but I will only teach nice blond femalstudents in the age between 18 – 35 years….I also have a other demand, that is, the weight of these students most not exeed more than 60 kilo’s per student. 😀
…And my salary should be in the area of 2000 dkk a minut (not funny money like SEK), though i will accept blowjobs instead…BUT from the nice students 🙂
@Danskeren 391290 wrote:
Hi Tony….your fat boy….i’m fresh…but I will only teach nice blond femalstudents in the age between 18 – 35 years….I also have a other demand, that is, the weight of these students most not exeed more than 60 kilo’s per student. 😀
…And my salary should be in the area of 2000 dkk a minut (not funny money like SEK), though i will accept blowjobs instead…BUT from the nice students 🙂
Det där var fanimej det mest korkade och minst roliga jag läst här inne på forumet. Schysst kvinnosyn du har grabben.
hahhaha, yeah you have to know himpersonally to find it funny.. its a bit like reading a post from Jonaish, or Sam.
Hows it going with all them smoking hot chicks by the way mate!!??? You need any help with em, chuck om over to Habo, plenty testosterone for any woman there.
@henkeman70 391304 wrote:
Det där var fanimej det mest korkade och minst roliga jag läst här inne på forumet. Schysst kvinnosyn du har grabben.
Well, that’s sad for you for my friend…
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