Esm 2007
European Speed Meeting 2007
Date : Sunday, September 30, 2007 – Saturday, October 06, 2007
Spot :
Country : Netherlands
Contact info : Martin van Meurs
Timekeepers : none
Moderators : none
Sponsors : Camping Bad Hoophuizen/ Telstar WindsurfingTo join the event you only have to subscribe for the event. There will be no registration needed at the campsite. There will be no entry fee.
During the event all competitors can stay for free at camping bad Hoophuizen. The race is meant as an event for and by windsurfers. By posting a session siled at the racing venue one of the racing days you officially joined the event. The ESM is meant as a serious racing event but it’s also a nice opportunity to meet and greet, like last years’ event has proven.A free BBQ is sponsored by Telstar Surfing and will be held during the prize giving on October 6. F2 Ultimate Speed Meeting 2007.
Camping Bad Hoophuizen. If it’s windy Sunday September 30 or Saturday October 6 a USM might be held at strand Horst. If this happens the race location will be moved to strand Horst for these given days,
Stand-by period
� September 30 to October 6.
Inscription form
� We would appreciate it if you register in advance / subscribe for this event. you have to be a registered member of gps-speedsurfing.com. If you’re not, you can register as a new member.
� Post your results on the event section within 12 hours. � Send your track to the timekeeper for verification.
� Helmet and impact vest is strongly recommended.
Minimum speed
� A minimum average speed of 60 kilomtre is required for the fastest ride When speeds are equal after all racing days Best ten second run, up till the 5th run. If you subscribe for the event additional info will be sent to you through e-mail a couple of weeks before the event starts. Please subscribe if you’re interested.Dags att skriva in sig!!!
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