• Publicerad av skotten på 24 september, 2007 vid 11:22

    Well, we did a real good job of keeping the new kite secret.. but there is one here in sweden being tested… look for it on a beach near you. Dont bother googling for it cos there isnt even 1 single pic on the internet.

    skotten svarade 17 år, 5 månader sedan 11 Medlemmar · 17 Svar
  • 17 Svar
  • fesen

    24 september, 2007 vid 13:23

    …yet. 😉

  • luuddee

    24 september, 2007 vid 14:10

    I’ve seen pictures on the net.. and i could post them here if i want..

  • sourra

    24 september, 2007 vid 14:48

    It’s a bit like the golden IT-era. Everybody was hyping stuff that nobody ever saw. 😉

  • haze

    24 september, 2007 vid 14:50

    Or so they exist but not for everybody. Just for skotten.

  • luuddee

    24 september, 2007 vid 20:04


  • sourra

    24 september, 2007 vid 21:12

    Står det Ultra-Flat?

  • skotten

    24 september, 2007 vid 21:22

    maybe ultra-fett??

  • skanepaul

    24 september, 2007 vid 21:34

    Men det är väl old news med den kiten???

  • _bodhi_

    24 september, 2007 vid 21:46

    ’ ’

  • hugeo

    24 september, 2007 vid 22:10

    RIppah 12m 06 är bäst!

  • gh0st

    25 september, 2007 vid 08:51

    Från EH:

    The EH Kiteboarding company is based in Cabarete, Dominican Republic one of the top kitesurfing destinations in the world, and a stop on the PKRA World Cup tour. EH Kiteboarding is known for state of the art BOW and Ultra Flat kite designs and custom boards.The Rippehr Bow design and a EH 125×35 custom board combined with Ariel Corniel’s talents won the 2007PKRA Cabarete World CUP.

    Från Bruno Legaignoux
    After the success of the first 4.5 m² bow kite prototype at the beginning of 2006 (see Incredible kite !), the Legaignoux brothers’ project of developing a high performance ultra flat kite went on with 10m² prototypes to end up in a 10-identical-kites set intensively tested since february 2007 by different build and level riders.

    Let Florence give us her firt impressions (intermediate level):
    ” I was a bit skeptical at the beggining when I was offered a 10m kite in place of my 12 m, I am a small build – 122 pounds – but I like to have enough power to jump high. And it’s on this point that I felt very surprised: I was able to start jumping in 12-13 knots of wind… the hangtime of the kite is really huge.. I had far enough power to make tricks, in spite of my rather small board (129×34) for those wind conditions. As soon as the wind rose a bit (15-16 knots), I really had the sensation of gliding high and for a long time. So my tricks were easier, and since the wing turns really fast on tips, I even tried kiteloops that I daren’t generally do! I went out of the water delighted, it was such a good session ! ”

    Then Stephan (competing rider) :
    ”It’s a very good kite to jump high. With it I can go very high and perform very big jumps. The kiteloops are fast but rather soft. Futhermore, I found that the relaunch was very easy. ”

    Gerard, who loves waves, appreciates its capacity to go upwind as well as its discretion when surfing, as the kite stays super stable, even when very sheeted out.

    All the testers share this enthusiasm; they are all unanimous with its exceptionnal properties:

    – The size/power ratio is far better than today’s bow kites. It allows you to use a smaller kite, with all the advantages that come along:
    o On a pratical sight, a large storage/carry easyness added to a reduced inflating time – combined with the ”single inflation ” system by the top skin extrados.
    Let Bruno explain:
    ” With this inflating system, I position the kite face to the ground from the start, I launch it alone, I am on the water in less than 10 minutes ”

    o On the water, a light, responsive, fast wing;
    o The power remains the one of a bigger size kite: a 120-pounds rider will use the 10m2 as his/her quiver’s biggest kite. This wing having, as all the bow kites, a huge ability to depower and many setting points, its wind range is even increased: close to 15 knots.

    – Concerning its piloting abilities, everybody is attracted by its surprising qualities on the water:
    o Its responsiveness: a very high turning speed, allowing tight kiteloops in spite of the pulley bar;
    o In the pulley bar version (from 50 to 55cm), the bar feeling is very acceptable and allows to well locate the wing during the jumps; it also works perfectly in the no-pulley bar version (60 or 65cm) for the direct connexion fanatics;
    o At last, and it’s certainly what most are allured by, its hang-time is mind-blowing, allowing to take off at the slightest blow: the jumps are easy, higher, we glide a long time and land softly…

    Diamond White supplies for free this new kite plans to its licensees, as well as its technical support. Some of them are already preparing the production of kites inspired by those plans, and within six months at most they will be on the market.

  • skotten

    25 september, 2007 vid 11:53

    apparently, the hoff is loving it, Eze.

  • hugeo

    25 september, 2007 vid 13:59

    its a bit to easy for me

  • martent

    25 september, 2007 vid 14:02

    Och jag har sett den och den verkar feeeet!

  • mrt

    25 september, 2007 vid 15:09
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