ClubVentos Beach Search
Ok boys & girls. Här kommer årets äventyr!
ClubVentos Beach Search – The biggest surf adventure of the year!
Seadi, Pritchard, Browne, Paskowski, Gossein, Swift are sent to a mission in the desert with other PWA pro’s.
The biggest surfadventure of the year takes place in an unknown part of the Brazilian coast, putting 13 PWA pro’s aboard all-terrain vehicles and helicopters, to cross deserts and jungles with a mission to achieve.
Watch the movie trailer and read all about it at http://www.clubventosbeachsearch.com
Svenskinfo: Snackade precis med telia, och de har problem med amerikanska servrar (vilken denna sida ligger på, så ni som har Felia kan ha problem att se, inkl mig 😉 ).
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