Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Wind Condition & Size Kite for Sweden

  • Wind Condition & Size Kite for Sweden

    Publicerad av toinobcool på 11 juni, 2008 vid 13:41

    Hello there, first of all I want to say sorry for being writing in English, this because I still don’t know the language, yet! 😉
    My name in António I’m from Portugal, and I’m living right know for studying in the area of Dalarna. I practice KiteSurf in portugal, and I would like to do it to here in sweden and try the snowkite to, first of all I would like to ask what sizes of kite you are using for Kitesurf and or SnowKite in the area of Dalarna, in the lakes, how it is the wind here, is it better to use Foil Kites?
    For a person Rounding the 100Kg what size of kite you advice for winter and summer Kite? Foil?

    Thank you very much.

    PS: I wrote this subject in the snowKite forum, i hope it isn’t a problem.

    toinobcool svarade 16 år, 9 månader sedan 7 Medlemmar · 10 Svar
  • 10 Svar
  • skotten

    11 juni, 2008 vid 13:59

    hi man, I am sure the guys up north will reply soon!! : )

  • virena

    11 juni, 2008 vid 15:50

    @toinobcool 474205 wrote:

    Hello there, first of all I want to say sorry for being writing in English, this because I still don’t know the language, yet! 😉
    My name in António I’m from Portugal, and I’m living right know for studying in the area of Dalarna. I practice KiteSurf in portugal, and I would like to do it to here in sweden and try the snowkite to, first of all I would like to ask what sizes of kite you are using for Kitesurf and or SnowKite in the area of Dalarna, in the lakes, how it is the wind here, is it better to use Foil Kites?
    For a person Rounding the 100Kg what size of kite you advice for winter and summer Kite? Foil?

    Thank you very much.

    PS: I wrote this subject in the snowKite forum, i hope it isn’t a problem.

    Oi Tudo bem!

    Ce voce quer ir pra Göteborg ou Varberg e fazer Kite surf, ligar pra mim. Meu nomero e 0739929262. Eu tenho amigos de portugal aqui ce vc tem saudade de pesoas de sua pais;)

    Ate logo, Virena

  • gh0st

    11 juni, 2008 vid 16:37

    Hey mate, sorry but I havent got a clue about the wind conditions in Dalarna but welcome to the forum.

  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 18:17
    Virena;474236 wrote:
    Oi Tudo bem!

    Ce voce quer ir pra Göteborg ou Varberg e fazer Kite surf, ligar pra mim. Meu nomero e 0739929262. Eu tenho amigos de portugal aqui ce vc tem saudade de pesoas de sua pais;)

    Ate logo, Virena

    Epa espetacular.
    Ja sei que tenho de arranjar um tempinho para ir ai ao Sul.
    O pessoal esta ai em Trabalho!?

    Um grande abraço António.

  • toinobcool

    11 juni, 2008 vid 18:21
    gh0st;474243 wrote:
    Hey mate, sorry but I havent got a clue about the wind conditions in Dalarna but welcome to the forum.

    Thanks anyway…
    So it seems that 80% of swedish kitesurfers are in the South. Best conditions!
    Well I beleive so, even in the lakes whit all the trees around it is dificult to have constant and clean wind.
    Even using kite of size 16 or higher, seems dificult.

    thanks António

  • rimsson

    11 juni, 2008 vid 19:57

    8 and 12 and you can almost ride every windy day from Gothemburg to down south.

    Time to change school maybe? hehe!

  • virena

    11 juni, 2008 vid 20:00

    @toinobcool 474285 wrote:

    Epa espetacular.
    Ja sei que tenho de arranjar um tempinho para ir ai ao Sul.
    O pessoal esta ai em Trabalho!?

    Um grande abraço António.

    Eu falo portugues mais ou menus, nao sei ce vc entende tudo? Eu ficei 4 meses em Brasil e aprendei la. So estava falando com pesoas ai nunca fiz uma aula.

    Sim ele esta trabalhando aqui. Eu acho que ele morava em suecia mais de que 14 anos. Ele morava 5 meses comigo, porque ele tem uma casa um pouco longe de aqui mas tem trabalho aqui e queria mora mais perto os dias de semana. O fim de semana ele foi pra casa em Bohuslän. Eu estava doida, nunca aprendei falando com ele antes eu fui pra brasil. Agora eu vou falar porque eu nao quero esqucer.

    Ele nao fazer kite surf, ele e um escalador. Vc escala?

    Qual aula vc vai fazer em Dalarna?

    Beijinhos Virena

  • johan_a83

    11 juni, 2008 vid 20:14

    Hi Antonio

    Usually the ”northen” kiters are hanging around, so try there for summer kiteing.

    However during winter you have a gr8 spot at ”Högfjället” in sälen which is located about 100km vest of the town Mora where buses depature al the time, for information about this spot se

    Best of luck and welcome to Sweden!!!

  • cortex

    12 juni, 2008 vid 11:39

    Hi Antonio!

    As Johan wrote will get you in contact with local kiters in Dalarna.
    I spend a lot of time in Dalarna during the winter and the snowkiting there is awesome. I also know that there are some pretty nice spots for kitesurfing during summer in lake Siljan. Just make sure to bring your biggest kite since summer almost always means light winds in the middle of the country.

    See you in Sälen this winter. :smirk:


  • toinobcool

    13 juni, 2008 vid 10:49

    Thanks very much.
    It seems a good help..

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