Man måste inte vara infödd för att få tävla i öspelen, men det underlättar. Nedan är de regler angående vem som får delta. Utöver detta kan det finnas lokala regler på varje ö. Vi har begärt att få preliminära anmälningar innan året är slut. Definitiva anmälning måste vara inne i Februari och namnen på tävlande behöver vi ha senast i April. Vi som arrangörer står för utrustning, dvs man måste inte ha egna grejor för att tävla.
Section 6 – Conditions for Representing a Member Island
To represent a Member Island, a competitor may qualify either by:
6.1 having been born on that Member Island.
6.2 A competitor may be considered to have been born on a Member Island if the mother
was normally resident on that Island immediately prior to the birth and returned to the
Island soon after.
6.3 Having been resident on that Member Island for the period of 12 consecutive months
prior to the date of the Opening Ceremony of the Games to be entered.
6.4 Any person wishing to gain qualification under 6.3 and who is following a programme
of study or involved in military service out of the Member Island shall be deemed to
be a permanent resident for the purpose of qualification.
Any competitor not complying with the above shall be subject to an automatic
disqualification from the Games.