Rainrider;570146 wrote:
Tjena. Jag håller på att bygga en lättvindsbräda. Är det någon som kan tipsa om bra mått? Jag är 90 kg lätt och 190 lång.
Vad sägs om 145*45? För litet?
Ingen som har en ritning som ligger och skräpar?
If you keep it flat then 145*45 sounds fine.
If you are doing it for a cheap way to get better lightwind performance then
plywood is the way to go. Seriously. Using other materials is only worth it for the fun of building. It is expensive to build in epoxy etc.
Several people have tried this design and say it works well
12mm ply should work. 10mm + a 3mm deck-plate glued on (D3 wood glue) is better but a bit more work.
I’ve not built one for quite a few years. I found that most of mine worked fine with a design made up on the spot. I preferred the flexier ones but they usually broke after a while. The flat ones work best.