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Det här fick inte jag lära mig när jag gick kurs
Publicerad av sourra på 15 december, 2009 vid 21:29Är det IKO4 detta?
[ame=”″]Nick Jacobsen – Buggy jump on Vimeo[/ame]hildingdude svarade 15 år, 2 månader sedan 7 Medlemmar · 13 Svar -
13 Svar
Tur bara att det inte gick som för den där tomten som blev uppdragen efter båt och föll som en sten från en jäkla massa meters höjd. Det klippet verkar dock vara borttaget.
Gött om linan hade smätt upp i röven på han. Hade nog känts lite.
hildingdude;592414 wrote:för de är COOLT!
Nick for the WINN!whatever… dinglingdude.
skotten;592486 wrote:wait… did you go on a course sourra?? 😛
Yupp with the Sheriff. I mostly grabbed Linas booty while bodydragging but I managed to pick up a few things between all the groping, like red is right and blue is forward, yell ”raakt i pannan!” before you crash into someone and always toss the kite up in the air when you launch someone else (don’t wait for the thumbs up because it is dangerous for the dude grabbing the bar to let go with one hand). Towing behind a vehicle feels fresh, safe and cool. I really think this can give a lot of positive attention to the sport. Perhaps we can tow someone behind my van between kiruna and ystad. Soo cool!
sourra;592521 wrote:Perhaps we can tow someone behind my van between kiruna and ystad.
Or maybe along the shoreline of Björkäng… Eller som dom säger på NTF: the higher the fart, the bigger the smell.
haha… you are allowed to drive on the beach up there right?
skotten;592637 wrote:haha… you are allowed to drive on the beach up there right?
As long as we make sure to rev the fuck out of the engine next to all the bird nests it’s ok they said. The birds are absolutely crazy about carbon monoxide…
dadil;592491 wrote:whatever… dinglingdude.
har vi träffats någon gång?
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