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Beware of being Over-rigged
Publicerad av skotten på 10 augusti, 2010 vid 22:09…………….
gnutten svarade 14 år, 7 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 3 Svar -
3 Svar
Black clouds are a big nono.
I found that out one time as the wind increased by 10m/s from 5-15 under a less intensive storm than the one on you movie. I had to pull the safetyline, but of course I forgot the leech. So I spent the next three hours getting my kite down from a three =). -
Ytterliggare en video på samma ämne:
[ame=””]YouTube- Windsurfing TORNADO Weiden – Austria[/ame]VARNING: Vindsurfare kan förekomma i videon 😉
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