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  • xshaolin

    17 september, 2012 vid 09:15

    I think the idea is great…however the representatives should probably be experienced locals rather than shop owners or riders with commercial interests..what do you think?

  • xshaolin

    17 september, 2012 vid 09:30

    Sorry skotten I think I might misunderstood you a bit there 🙂

  • tomw

    17 september, 2012 vid 19:38

    tony, what’s missing is guys like you that set the example.
    I’ve been at Habo 4-5 times this season, spending most of my kite time self launching up at vejbystrand.

    times at Habo there are lots of raw beginners, some butt draggers, and some regulars. some butt daggers are a bit out of control. in a westerly they all kite close to shore cause they can’t get upwind and away from the pier.

    me and another guy almost had our necks broken by a kite slamming down on beach about one meter from us.

    advice to all beginners is to get up wind. walk if you have to. perhaps we didn’t have to do that 10 years ago and seems unfair for us to say this, but now there are 4 times more kiters.

    out in the water I’m way upwind so it’s fine, but beach is danger zone…

    good luck.

  • skotten

    18 september, 2012 vid 07:39


  • skotten

    21 september, 2012 vid 12:07


  • johanw

    21 september, 2012 vid 15:52

    surfer Love man!”!! bring your ass back a-tony

  • tomw

    22 september, 2012 vid 22:14

    tony, the wee man is doing great. nice of you to ask. we are SUP paddling downwinders now. kinda proud to see 7 year old 500 m out in 7 m/s and enjoying himself ( with me ).

    I think people have to start taking responsibility for their own actions and being safe. I am comfortable helping others, but I’m not down ther so often.

    I agree with your idea. all commercial instructors should wear a vest. I never can tell Who is pro or who is friend teaching friend.

    in addition volunteers could have vest ( and get soft sponsorship from schools).

  • cellentropya

    23 september, 2012 vid 17:57

    I agree on many things and even if I do not post a lot this one needs a comment.
    The beauty of kitesurfing, beside the other million of others, is that it stimulate the best part of people, indeed most of us experience the typical ”happiness”-rewarding feelings before, during and after any type of session. Its also biology, its also chemical. We are predisposed to be nice people when kiting because of the massive activation of the dopamine-serotonin axis. A street-biological explanation, but true. So I am all for giving surflove to people when kiting (with or without Tshirt), which in the end it is only and simply about to ”watch out for each other” when kiting, that means be alert in the water if someone looks to be in trouble and spend few minuts of your time to check whether its cool or it is trouble, that means to care if an unexperienced kiter pump up a 23m kite in 13m/s wind but also means to spend maybe 10 min of your session in answering to questions in a proper way when asked. It means to give away a little bit of your time, of your happiness…

    On the other hand, I do not really buy the argument of overcrowding as a reason for increasing accidents, at least here in Skåne. It is actually a luxury to be able to kitesurf in so many spots around malmö, covering any winds and conditions all year around!! Overcrowded? Maybe yes if you look only at one spot Habo. Nice, but there are so many other spots that even beginners can find space to train their water starts without conflicting with others, kiters and non. I was out friday afternoon with my 9m half depw, all alone in a memorable evening session in Skanör. Yesterday 13m/s evening 1-2 m surf (maybe less how cares, was great) in Skanör, 7 kites max in the water, a privilege. Often other spots are even less crowded. Few years back I was forced to learn safe self-landing and launching, to be able to kitesurf regularly, so many times I found my self alone or with only few kites in the water. I am so lucky just thinking about when I go kiting on the coast of my old home-town, in good days (non weekends) there are 60-150 kiters in the water, battling to get in and out against 5 different schools, and the coast-guard that slapp you 1000euro ticket and confiscate your equipment if you kite less the 200m from shore outside the dedicated areas (few and small, often with clubs/associations that have the licence and you pay 10euro/day to use the way out), In winter is different, but only because the hard core is much less and italians can’t stand cold water… ah ahhaah).

    Bottom line… thanks for the breeze of surflove and to rise the reflection.


  • tomw

    25 september, 2012 vid 20:25

    Dado. Basta. i agree. it is not crowded. i go out at Habo. 20 guys out. take 3 -4 upwind runs and I am all alone..

    up at Vejbystrand I’m happy to have a windsurfer as company. it’s downright lonely out up there.

  • cellentropya

    29 september, 2012 vid 17:49

    Tom, I am sorry if I replay, BUT Basta what? Maybe you ment pasta :grin:?
    I just commented on the beauty of kitesurfing in skåne, where is not crowded. No polemic, just surflove. That’s all.
    Last one was my mum, long time ago, that pissed me off with ”basta”… but I will make an exception for you…

    cheers and good surfing


  • luthor

    3 november, 2012 vid 17:00


    up at Vejbystrand I’m happy to have a windsurfer as company. it’s downright lonely out up there.

    Tom, do you feel like having company in Vejbystrand tomorrow? Seems to be surfable somewhere between 11 and 14 o’clock. PM me or write something here.

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