Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing King of the Fjord 12/6

  • plettil

    12 juni, 2014 at 10:26

    Is it working well in TT by west? Any one in the area for a report?

  • andersbq

    12 juni, 2014 at 10:57

    The west is the best, för att citera The Doors.
    Alla rekord är satta på västlig eller sydvästlig vind TT.

  • plettil

    12 juni, 2014 at 12:48

    Bra tack! Anders!
    How is it now 15h00 in TT? I am hesitating between Björlanda and TT and since I work in Hinsingen… Tell me… 🙂

  • jester

    12 juni, 2014 at 12:51
  • plettil

    12 juni, 2014 at 12:57

    Thanks Jester! I know that one but I don’t know the correlation by west wind, sorry. :(. What I see in charmers stuff is what can be found in TT +/- by west?

  • jester

    12 juni, 2014 at 13:07

    Yes, more or less… The wind can be pretty gusty att TT, but flatter water than in Björlanda.

  • plettil

    12 juni, 2014 at 13:37

    I’ll be there in ca 2h then…. :). Want to try TT by west…

  • surfan

    13 juni, 2014 at 13:52

    @Plettil 724063 wrote:

    I’ll be there in ca 2h then…. :). Want to try TT by west…

    var du nöjd??

  • plettil

    14 juni, 2014 at 20:10

    Yes i was… but played “chicken”…. I stayed in the “baby pool” area, did not go where the “big guys” were… I did not feel so secure with that much wind and sail that I don’t know so well…
    Otherwise my iPhone and GPSAR told me I was above 31knots… with a cleaned track …But I cannot qualify to “king of the fjord”… iPhone is not GPS authorized… :frown:

    5 best 10 second (at least) average = 58,06km/h [31,35Knots]
    10 second run n°1 = 63,19km/h [34,12Knots] (175,5 m. in 10,000 s.) –
    10 second run n°2 = 58,82km/h [31,76Knots] (163,4 m. in 10,000 s.) –
    10 second run n°3 = 58,70km/h [31,69Knots] (163,1 m. in 10,000 s.) –
    10 second run n°4 = 54,84km/h [29,61Knots] (152,3 m. in 10,000 s.) –
    10 second run n°5 = 54,75km/h [29,56Knots] (152,1 m. in 10,000 s.) –

    given the precision of iphone, this is more realistic :
    5 best 250 meter (at least) average = 55,47km/h [29,95Knots]
    250 meter run n°1 = 58,78km/h [31,74Knots] (261,2 m. in 16,000 s.) –
    250 meter run n°2 = 58,18km/h [31,41Knots] (258,6 m. in 16,000 s.) –
    250 meter run n°3 = 54,36km/h [29,35Knots] (256,7 m. in 17,000 s.) –
    250 meter run n°4 = 53,90km/h [29,10Knots] (254,5 m. in 17,000 s.) –
    250 meter run n°5 = 52,15km/h [28,16Knots] (260,8 m. in 18,000 s.) –

    first time over the 31knots for me….. :cool2: I am competing in the antik and inappropriate class …. :laugh: wave anti weed fin on 24years old slalom board with a 2007 KA koncept 5.8…. 24years old alu wish….

    what about you guys? what are the results?

  • surfan

    14 juni, 2014 at 20:30
  • plettil

    14 juni, 2014 at 20:45

    Good. I am not too ridiculous…. 😉

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