2 synpunkter på SB147
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The 147 was tested by our pro sailors at Sylt, here is what they have to say:
I am here on Argentina and I am the lucky man that has the board now. I use it a couple of times already so I will tell you my experience.
The board was first tried on Sylt by a couple of guys that couldn’t avoid the temptation…like US3#…and others. Already, on Sylt, the results could be seen even by the beach. The guy on the new board was going better than other one, on x186, on almost every direction. The board, on Sylt, wavy and choppy conditions, strong wind seemed to be very easy to go fast. when the X had problems to accelerate on the chop or maybe felt a little bit unstable the 147 gave you the ability to point more and accelerate leaving the other one behind. The 147 has a ”silky” feeling that even on Sylt makes you feel you are just cruising. The short length gives you a strange or funny feeling at the beginning but after 20 minutes you start loving it. You start thinking why we had that extra kg on the front all this years?!! Downwind the 147 seems to go more free letting you point lower riding waves or accelerating a bit more than the X when you look for more speed. Tacks and jibes are really funny at the beginning but then you just do them normally. So in Sylt, harsh conditions, the board seem to be working really good…more speed and more control.
Here at home, the conditions are more similar to what we race along the year. Light wind and river waves depending always on the wind. I tried it one day on light wind and another one in 20-24 knots with a messy chop.
The light wind test, the one that worried me a lot, obviously because the good competition we had this year with other brands, was really positive.
The lack of nose and weight seems to fix this year problem. The board starts planning and keeping the low end on really nice way on even lighter wind than suitable for competing. When this year we had the feeling that the nose was sticking and when we were almost about to ”brake” the board on the back foot to keep it going, specially downwind, doesn’t happens any more. The rail is thicker on the end of the board and makes you push really easy higher than the X. So my feeling was pointing higher and going with a nice free feeling on the board already in 7 knots as if there were10. Downwind the board seems to pass the wave or choppy and seems to go really deep so it’s special for those early jibes to the mark, they will love it!
The strong wind day was almost the same feelings that what they told me on Sylt. I felt it really easy and didn’t loose control at any time. The downwind on that condition make me think that could be hard without the nose, but there are not problems at all. Sometimes before you were sticking the nose on the next wave and now the nose isn’t any more over there! so less problems on that point.
So I hope I gave some interesting info, today I am going again, seems to be middle wind. Ah! the light wind day I use it with 12.5, it’s ok. It is strange at the first minutes but then goes so easy that when you normally start feeling unstable you can push for a couple of more knots. the other day I use it with 9.8, always Pryde.Chau, Gonzalo.
Gonzalo Costa Hoevel, ARG-3 (goncostah@yahoo.com.ar)10/5/2002 11:57:55 AM
I was lucky to get the first test ride of the FW 147 on Sylt. I was on 9.8 North Warp 3 and it was super choppy and 3-4 foot ocean swell. My first impression was it’s super light and responsive feeling. At first i was blown away by the lack of weight up in front of the mast track and no swing weight. It took me 1 minute to get used to this cool feeling and the board just went on auto pilot. I was surprised that the board seemed to plane up very quick, more efficiently in the choppy water than the 186X. Feels like a short very efficient platform. Straight off, the board was significantly faster than the 186X on both tacks upwind. My test partner and i were pretty impressed with the increased speed and angle of the 147. The new rail shape gave me more positive feel and power under my back foot and was very comfortable. On my 186X, I’m continually adjusting my back foot to get power, but on the 147 I could load up the power and get more angle. My mast track setting felt good in the middle and even better quite far forward.
It seemed that when I would get out of the groove upwind in really choppy conditions, I was able to get back in it very quick as compared with the 186X, I would not get thrown out of the groove as easy by a big piece of
chop and could accelerate quicker out of the holes. The swing weight of the nose seems to cure these problems. When you are sandwiched between two people off the start line this will make the difference.
Downwind the feel was very unique, like going downhill constantly…Very quick. The best feature was not digging the nose in to the back of waves. The rocker and shorter nose rides high and free in these situations and is easy to trim.
On the reaches it feels like a custom WC slalom board. I liked the nose down and free feel. No gradual lifting as you get more powered. The rocker feels like a little quicker release than the 186X for downwind, I’ve seen most of the FW board for 2003 and the 147 is the most unique and advanced design. I can’t wait to kick some ass on the 147 next season!!Regards,
Sam Ireland
Sam (ireland_sam@hotmail.com)
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