Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing 2009 PKRA World Champions

  • qq-57

    27 november, 2009 vid 11:11

    I have tons of respect for his riding, but Hadlow sucks. His interview after he lost, his whining on his webpage before, the fact that in every single video, he dwells so much on what he does, what he wants to do and how much better he is than everyone else… c’mon dude. Called his last clip ”mimic this”, WTF?? Plus, every pro rider I’ve met so far seems fun and social, except Hadlow. Dunno if he’s shy or arrogant, but WTF.
    Anyhow, again, respect for his riding. Too bad that Alex Pastor wasn’t in this shape before, coz his (and Zoon’s) riding is the most stylish and powerful I’ve seen, way nicer to watch than Hadlow and Langeree.

  • davids

    27 november, 2009 vid 13:13

    Stop whinging QQ57.. All it shows is that Aaron is a top athlete and of course he would be disapointed losing the worldcup.. I haven’t met the fella so wouldn’t know how he is in person and I don’t really care to be honest.. There are lots of jerk top athletes out there I’m sure but I’m more interested in how they perform rather than how they are in a social situation..

  • qq-57

    27 november, 2009 vid 14:43

    There are many reasons to like/dislike an athlete. Performance is only one of them.
    Again, not talking about respect. I have the uttermost respect for what Hadlow does on the water. I just don’t like him

  • djevulen

    27 november, 2009 vid 18:30

    mannen, myten in action
    [ame=””]YouTube- Slingshot RPM & Youri Zoon 2009[/ame]

  • skotten

    30 november, 2009 vid 00:26

    haha its really funny watching Hadlow eating some humble pie.. I love watching him and his fanboys suffer lol.. Steffo at its best : )

  • stebe

    30 november, 2009 vid 06:28

    Attans.. nu måsta jag köpa Naish och börja göra enhandstrick.

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