Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing 2009 Slingshot RPM….

  • gh0st

    14 februari, 2009 vid 03:50

    @Gadget 530151 wrote:

    har du redan testat?

    Jepp, testade 12an 8an o 6an, 12an o 8an i wakestyle setup

  • gh0st

    14 februari, 2009 vid 03:53

    @Gadget 529243 wrote:

    Fäen va fin.
    Exakt som min Fuel men med plattare.
    Ska bli kul att se den.

    Jag skulle ha behallt fuelen.

  • larssa

    14 februari, 2009 vid 19:00

    @Roland 530332 wrote:

    Dom rev jag provat 9m 11m 08 var skit…..
    09 ser precis likadan ut bara olika bak….
    Kanske Alex på best fixar nåt!!

    Kan bara beklaga din smak 😉

  • lasurf

    25 februari, 2009 vid 10:04

    @Lasurf 529238 wrote:

    I flew the 8, 10 & 12M RPMs for approximately 2 weeks in waist to chest to 3X overhead and just really liked the feel of the kites. Thanks to SS for setting me up with unlimited access to the rigged and ready RPMs during that time. I stopped flying my kites during this whole period as I really liked the feel of the kites. The wind was typically side, side off or side on. I ride strapped and hooked. All kites were set up for fast speed and light bar pressure. These were the only settings I used as I like kites with these characteristics for what I do, wave ride. There are multiple adjustment attachment points at the wing tips (flying and steering lines) for tuning speed, bar pressure and low end characteristics of the kite. They find the power of the wind really quickly and get you up on a plane and to speed fast. They seemed to sit a little bit forward in the window and got me back up to the top of the point effortlessly. These kites did not surge forward with board edge pressure or in gusts like C kites. I never felt any backstall during my 2 weeks of extensive use of each size. Each size felt different than the other as you would expect. The 8M almost felt like no kite in my hands but I could still feel where the kite was through the bar. Power steering, the new bridle? Something going on there as the kite has a unique feel in relation to most I have flown. I really liked the more subtle feel of the de-power versus the more on off feel typical of SLEs. The kites turned fast and smooth without the typical SLE pivot feel. I’ve seen people comment that the kites feel like something between a REV and a Fuel and I agree with that assessment. The kites also handle reasonably over powered conditions very well and remain smooth and steady no wobbling or jellyfishing just a solid wing. I was told the relaunch was effortless but never dropped the kite or relaunched it as where I kited there is little beach and the reef is shallow and sharp. There was no learning curve with the kites. I felt very comfortable straight off with each kite the first time I used them even in macking surf. Beyond performance I liked the finish details SS added to this kite. The nylon insert on the bar will substantially cut down wear and tear on the CL rope. The bar has a bit wider diameter and improved grip. The pig tails are now wrapped in a sleve to reduce fraying. The 3 strut design packs down really nice for the traveling kiter. SS also upgraded their pump to a taller and more high volume unit. Build quality was top of the line as you would expect from SS. As always I would try before you buy if possible because all kiters have their own preferences with respect to performance. However, I would have no problem recommending this kite to anyone as its performance was exceptional with no bad habits.

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