Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Branschnyheter 2012:a GIN Guru nu tillgänglig för demo

  • 2012:a GIN Guru nu tillgänglig för demo

    Publicerad av pipe69 på 8 februari, 2012 vid 20:36

    Årets nya modell hos GIN Kiteboarding är modellen GURU och vi kommer framöver ge möjlighet till demo i framförallt Stockholmsområdet – möjligtvis i samband med snö- och issurfevanemang på andra ställen.

    Nedan lite mer info:

    The GURU keeps the spirit of versatility and performance that we know from other GIN KITEBOARDING models like the ZULU 3, which stays in the range.

    With compact shape and its moderated aspect ratio the GURU has very high turning speeds. The GURU is extremely stable thanks to its perfect balance that is a result of the right choice of components.
    Very easy relaunch will make it the best friend of freestylers as well as progressing riders. One of its strongest points, if not even the strongest point of the GURU is its incredible low-end which allows you to y 1 or 2 sizes smaller then the average.
    Nevertheless the GURU still has a very comfortable high end.

    GIN KITEBOARDING kites are known for their light bar feeling when controlling the kite; the GURU stays in this characteristic line of the brand but shows a much more progressive bar feeling. This means the GURU is a little less light on the bar resulting in a very good feedback that enables you to know where the kite is without looking at it. Especially wave riders and freestylers appreciate this!

    With its Swiss design GIN KITEBOARDING stays true to its high demands concerning construction quality and the choice of materials. Next to the standard reinforcements the GURU has new, innovative reinforcement on the trailing edge: The “Wave Shape Protector”. On the leading edge some new additional reinforcements will further improve the durability.

    The used materials are Dacron IYU400161 and Teijin T9600-8. There is no doubt that the GURU will be the strongest and most durable kite on the market!

    The GURU is delivered with:
    • The new 2012 GTS bar (GIN TWIN SAFETY) featuring 20m lines and 3m extensions
    • 2 bags (1 backpack and 1 bag for storing the kite with inflated struts)
    • A kite pump
    • A repair kit


    i96dansa svarade 12 år, 11 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • i96dansa

    8 februari, 2012 vid 20:44

    Kul Ingo!
    Såg att Tomten föredrar Gin kites nuförtiden. Ser fram emot en demo på Torö när isen släpper.

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