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2013 Rally
Publicerad av lasurf på 6 juli, 2012 vid 06:49lasurf svarade 12 år, 8 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 4 Svar -
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”Slingshot have redsigned the kite for the masses The RALLY.
This Delta Open C kite is equally good for freeride or in surf. For our money the kite does 100% of what 95% of kiters need from their kite; massive air and float are the joys of this kite. The load stays on the front lines making bar pressure light (allows you to kite longer) and responsive yet with great feedback unlike other deltas, and its upwind performance will rival anything on the market. NEW for 2013 is the mini strut near the wing tip for improved steering and turning characteristics. A new trailing edge with sharp printed graphics and like the FUEL and RPM the new DARK TIPS make this also a cool looking kite. . For the rider who wants to try new things without getting a beating this really is for you. ”
Trevligt att de har ökat antal olika storlekar.
Verkar var väldigt lik 2011 och 2012. De länkar ju till och med test för 2011 års modell 😉 Iofs det behöver ju inte vara något dåligt, den är riktigt bra 🙂
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