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Aaron Hadlow vinner PKRA för 5:e året i rad!
gh0st svarade 16 år, 5 månader sedan 23 Medlemmar · 42 Svar
haha, vad bittra alla är! Bögigt bittra. inte det coola hatiskt bittra.
@skotten 505801 wrote:
I honestly dunno what it is about him, I just dont have any respect for someone that doesnt impress me.. I have never seen him scare himself on video, and he doesnt represent what a kiteboarder is to me.
I am curious, what represents a kiteboarder to you? Aaron to me is a very innovative and progressive rider. He’s taken a lot of shit for hit style in his earlier years, but he’s on his own level now where he has room to work on his style. And it shows. He’s an awesome rider. With that being said, not the only rider that I admire for their level. Aaron is an extremely talented competition rider, imagine landing all that he does in just 7 min. That to me is impressive. I especially like his slim 7.
I think you really have to understand wakestyle kiteboadring to appreciate it. If wakestyle is not you thing, then go find yourself another hero. But don’t step on those that do. The PKRA is trying to be progressive wakestyle. Ignore that and watch waves and tell me how hot Vari is instead of busting out all this negativity. -
@Pepä 505991 wrote:
Mr Hadlow har inga leder. Detta leder (haha) till att han inte skadar sig och att han kan landa allt, vilket i sin tur ofta gör att det ser rätt otight och i mångas ögon ostiligt ut. Dock garvar han bara när man säger det till honom.
Vad skönt att han garvar åt det, för med all respekt det ska han göra.
@ankii 506274 wrote:
I am curious, what represents a kiteboarder to you? Aaron to me is a very innovative and progressive rider. He’s taken a lot of shit for hit style in his earlier years, but he’s on his own level now where he has room to work on his style. And it shows. He’s an awesome rider. With that being said, not the only rider that I admire for their level. Aaron is an extremely talented competition rider, imagine landing all that he does in just 7 min. That to me is impressive. I especially like his slim 7.
I think you really have to understand wakestyle kiteboadring to appreciate it. If wakestyle is not you thing, then go find yourself another hero. But don’t step on those that do. The PKRA is trying to be progressive wakestyle. Ignore that and watch waves and tell me how hot Vari is instead of busting out all this negativity.this is typical of a woman..
man says ” your hair looks nice today”
woman hears ” your har looks nice for a change ”read my post, it says that I dont appreciate him, he doesnt turn me on.. and thats why I am not impressed by him. Thats why I wrote ”This is only me.. I am not saying that my opinion should be something all should repeat”
A kiteboarder to me is all that we are on the beach.. not arrogant, and fun to be around.
hehe I still love you though babe..
hmmmm håller men anki här men tycker att man får ha sin egen åsikt med och inte älska alla.. Menar så här. Man kan ju tycka att Hadlow har taskig stil och whatever men han är dukig hur man än vrider på det. Sen om man inte klickar så är det väl en annan sak….
På Steffo verkar det vara ett krav att man måste tycka något om allting. Även när man inte har en jävla aning.
Shit så mycket bullshit i en och samma tråd -
I did say Kudos to him.. I was trying to give him some credit… I dunno why I need to defend the right not to like him.. crazy.
bruna has a hot belly.
@skotten 506364 wrote:
this is typical of a woman..
man says ” your hair looks nice today”
woman hears ” your har looks nice for a change ”read my post, it says that I dont appreciate him, he doesnt turn me on.. and thats why I am not impressed by him. Thats why I wrote ”This is only me.. I am not saying that my opinion should be something all should repeat”
A kiteboarder to me is all that we are on the beach.. not arrogant, and fun to be around.
hehe I still love you though babe..
takes one to know one
ja vill med snacka skit hehe. aaron kör jevligt fett. ok att han inte har fetast stil men det kan inte alla ha. man kan vara jävligt grym på det. o på vattnet e han fan sjukt grym. o inte bara ktie. han kör både cable och wake efter båt riktigt fett också. att ja sen iten tycker om honom på det sociala planet är en annan sak. men ja har till skillnad från en del här som säger att ni hatar honom träffat honom ätit middag vid samma bord och suttit o pratat med honom en längre stund. detta var dock några år sedan. kanske har han växt upp nu och inte är så sjukt ego som han var då. men det vet ja inte det kan anki svara på bättre
Har träffat honom en jävla massa gånger och tycker inte det är nåt ego med honom, bara att han inte är speciellt social men det är inte jag heller 🙂
Ni som tycker att han kör fult i jämförelse med andra ”toppåkare”, säkra på att ni kollat några filmer från 2007-2008?
att döma av hårda mediabevakning under PKRA så är han ju en av dom som kör snyggast. Jämför med random ung kille på touren så ska ni få se att han faktiskt gör grejorna med stil, kanske inte som andre philip eller någon annan riktig wakestyleåkare. Men för att vara starps ser det ju bra ut. Han har ju i jämförelse med de flesta hög hastighet när han landar, kiten står inte kl 12 när han landar, dessutom tweakar han och slänger in en del grabs.
som någon sa tidigare.. jämför hans stil idag med den gamla babystancehadlowstilen
Tänk om han istället för att börja jobba på stilen forsatt med babystance på sin enmetersbräda och forsatt köra tricken utan power med kiten sådär lite fuskhögt. då skulle han lätt satt groteska fyrdubbla handlepasses idag, de ”tekniska” möjligheterna blir tyvärr oändliga om man har kiten för högt
Tank you for taking the time to wright all that Ankiii:-)!
I aggree with you a 100%.
Scotten: Sometimes you wright really god stuff, but what the fuck is this?!!
Let the riding do the talking and spare us your negative and emotional ”IQ-0-comments”, at least IF YOU ARE NOT A BETTER (or even close to) RIDER YOUR SELF…..?! Respect on the water and waves to ALL out there who just want to have fun!I think that style i personal, should be individual and should also be respected, whatever it looks like. Why give ANYBODY negative shit about his/her ridingstyle? Diverse styles makes every sport more interresting and fun, so why complain at all? Love to hear that Aron usually just laugh att such comments, Pepä:-). That´s cool to me….
ankii;506274 wrote:I am curious, what represents a kiteboarder to you? Aaron to me is a very innovative and progressive rider. He’s taken a lot of shit for hit style in his earlier years, but he’s on his own level now where he has room to work on his style. And it shows. He’s an awesome rider. With that being said, not the only rider that I admire for their level. Aaron is an extremely talented competition rider, imagine landing all that he does in just 7 min. That to me is impressive. I especially like his slim 7.
I think you really have to understand wakestyle kiteboadring to appreciate it. If wakestyle is not you thing, then go find yourself another hero. But don’t step on those that do. The PKRA is trying to be progressive wakestyle. Ignore that and watch waves and tell me how hot Vari is instead of busting out all this negativity. -
Aaron Hadlow, världens mest progressive åkare, fantastiskt att han mäktade med att vinna för 5:e gången. Det klarar bara en riktigt vinnarskalle och supertalang.
Läs mer påål för Aaron, skål får kitesporten!
Någon som vill testa HadlowProkiten?
skotten;505801 wrote:I honestly dunno what it is about him, I just dont have any respect for someone that doesnt impress me.. I have never seen him scare himself on video, and he doesnt represent what a kiteboarder is to me.
Are you that dork who wrote me loveletters on my homepage?
I´m sorry ”TonyInLove” that i had to reject you but that doesn´t give
you the right to say bad things about me.
To those who believe in me, Thanks!Next year will be ever better…
Aaron Hadlow;506560 wrote:Are you that dork who wrote me loveletters on my homepage?
I´m sorry ”TonyInLove” that i had to reject you but that doesn´t give
you the right to say bad things about me.
To those who believe in me, Thanks!Next year will be ever better…
Haha, klockren! Go Aaron!
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