Kollade på discovery channel igår kväll, och de pratade om ett nytt material som heter aerogel som används under rymdfärder. Då det var extremt lätt och dessutom hållbart började jag fundera lite på surfbrädor… Detta är saxat från Nasas hemsida:
*Aerogel: A nearly transparent, very lightweight material made primarily from silica. Dubbed a ”Super Material”, aerogel is the world’s lightest solid, weighing as little as three times that of air, and exhibiting superb insulating properties.
*A remarkable, nearly transparent material called aerogel is a dry gel principally made from silica. In the ”Technology to Watch” section of Fortune Magazine, the use of aerogels was cited for more than 800 different product applications ranging from satellites to surfboards. As the world’s lightest solid, aerogel can save significant weight on future space vehicles. — The most exciting and near term ground application, however, is the contribution of aerogel on a per weight basis as the strongest, lightest and only transparent building material. The material’s specifications are the stuff of science fiction. —
Materialet verkar dessutom inte särskilt dyrt, så jag har en känsla av att det kan vara framtidens surfmaterial!
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