Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Airush och X-Wing från Surfman GBG

  • Airush och X-Wing från Surfman GBG

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 4 september, 2000 vid 08:32

    Surfman GBG får snart in Starboards nya kite, X-Wing och deras Airush brädor som kommer vara de hållbaraste brädorna på marknaden.
    Brädorna ser ni på
    Bilder och prisinfo på X-Wing kommer inom kort.
    Surfman GBG
    Anders Jildestrand

    The X Wing by Starboard Kite Division

    The design brief for the X-Wings was to design an especially
    user-friendly water re-launchable range of kites.

    Flight characteristics for the different sizes remain consistent by tuning the aspect
    ratio to the surface area – as area increases, the aspect ratio decreases. The number of cells
    also increases as the area increases, to keep the inflation of the kites consistent.
    The foil shapes were developed specifically for this project – a lot of curve in the entry makes the wing
    very forgiving to changes in the angle of attack, and reflex (or negative curve) in the back of the profile
    provides stability.

    The X-Wing has the following design aspects that aid in it’s water re-launching abilities;
    – Highly curved leading edge
    – Canopy curve accelerates towards the tips
    – Sealed seam construction, and superior coated materials give 12 minutes+ + inflation time
    – Overall weight is very low.

    -Reduced set-up and pack down time due to no bladders or pumps
    -Set-up is as simple as unfolding the kite. and attaching the flying lines.
    -The X-Wings can be flown as a 2 line kite, or with a 3rd brake line.
    -No leaking bladders to repair and no pumps to remember,

    Outer Skin: – 47g KITEX (low stretch, double coated for low water absorbtion)
    Profile Ribs – 47g NYLON 66 (moderate stretch, moderate stretch for impact strength)

    Sizes: Date available for shipping ex China ( Hong Kong)
    3.0 15. Nov
    5.0 15. Nov
    7.0 15. Nov
    9.0 15. Jan

    anonym-anvandare svarade 24 år, 5 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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