Ännu en skön film med Sebastian Bubmann (Flysurfer)
Seb gjorde bra ifrån sig i den Holländska lättvinden för någon vecka sedan:
”Last weekend Sticked, the kitesurf season kickoff 2008 in the Netherlands took place.
This big event were all brands in the industry attended was a combination of competitions (freestyle,boardercross,amateurs), party and testival. Unfortunatly the pro freestyle contest was cancelled because of lack of wind, but amateur freestyle (Winner: Koen van Bolhuis) and boardercross could take place. Sebastian Bubmann, riding a SilverArrow2 19m and FLYDOOR S won all of his heats (32 competitors took part in the boardercross) and took a well deserved victory. Flysurfers Int. sales manager Ramon Schoenmaker came in on a respective 4th place.”Nåja, över till videon som Seb spelade in under träning i Brasilen. I vanlig ordning ska man aldrig hyra ut en bil till Seb. :tongue:
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