Any opinions on Avenue Trucks design?
I tried a search didn’t get any relevant threads. If I missed one just post the link I’ll read through there.
Anyone hear about these ”suspension trucks”? I can’t imagine that base plate not eventually taking a permanent twist or bending shut as the metal ages. Also I’m curious just how springy that 1/2 inch travel is. Hitting all the raised sidewalk slabs isn’t going to shoot one end of the board up like a pogo stick right? Although, I do like that they don’t jump $20 to go from one size to the next.
That’s what I’m concerned with, what do you all think?
I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.
References https://www.silverfishlongboarding.com/forum/longboard-and-skateboarding-trucks-bushings/412019-any-opinions-avenue-trucks-design.html
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