Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Off Topic Are You a Metrosexual?

  • Are You a Metrosexual?

    Publicerad av nilsson på 6 december, 2003 vid 12:12

    Are You a Metrosexual?

    1. Which celebrity most displays your sense of style?
    a. Soccer star and fashion plate David Beckham
    b. Guy’s guy Ben Affleck
    c. Ultimate grunge Johnny Depp

    2. What is your idea of a perfect Friday night?
    a. Drinking Grey Goose at the hottest new club in town
    b. Playing video games while hanging out with a group of buddies
    c. Downing beers at your favorite neighborhood bar

    3. Where do you get your hair cut?
    a. Same place I’ve been going for 20 years … the neighborhood barbershop!
    b. Haircut? What’s a haircut?
    c. I only get my hair cut by Jacques at the most exclusive salon around.

    4. What kind of clothing do you wear?

    a. Only the top designer labels.
    b. Whatever is clean and feels most comfortable
    c. I wear whatever fits the occasion, although I don’t follow labels

    5. True or False: I find myself using my girlfriend’s or wife’s beauty products (i.e. moisturizers, etc.)

    a. True
    b. False

    6. Have you ever gotten a manicure?

    a. Of course! I get once at least once a week!
    b. I got one once, but don’t tell anyone!
    c. Are you kidding? Manicures are female-only territory!

    7. Shopping is:

    a. A priority
    b. Something I only do for major holidays
    c. Something I greatly fear

    8. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
    a. At least an hour. And that’s NOT including my shower.
    b. No time at all! I just roll out of bed and get going!
    c. 10 to 20 minutes

    Scoring Metrosexual Quiz:


    1. a-3, b-2, c-1
    2. a-3, b-1, c-2
    3. a-2, b-1, c-3
    4. a-3, b-1, c-2
    5. a-3, b-1
    6. a-3, b-2, c-1
    7. a-3, b-2, c-1
    8. a-3, b-1, c-2

    If you scored between 8 and 12, it seems that are the type who can’t be bothered with fancy clothes or excessive grooming. Perhaps you fear that buying designer clothing or grooming products is not masculine enough. Well, it turns out that increasing numbers of men are going to salons and spending money on swanky clothes. So, go ahead! Buy a nice suit or get a manicure or massage!

    If you scored between 13 and 18, while you have some fashion sense, you don’t let it get too far. Grooming is important to you, but you don’t make it too big of a priority. Why not try pampering yourself with a massage or facial. You deserve it!

    If you scored between 19 and 24, you may be a metrosexual.

    nilsson svarade 21 år, 2 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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