Senaste nytt Forums Vågsurfing ÅSA. OBS! Läs! Read this!

  • ÅSA. OBS! Läs! Read this!

    Publicerad av fader på 18 september, 2010 vid 14:30

    To whom it may concern,
    I received a call today (saturday 18/9) from La Margareta Hertz (M). Fru Hertz is the owner of the Stenudden estate at Åsa which extends from the boat harbor, parking lot, and surrounding land to the nature preserve boundry. She resides in the large dark brown wooden cottage overlooking the area.
    She is extremely upset with the recent behavior of surfers and windsurfers. Her complaints include:
    1. Trash in the boat parking lot. Beer cans, wax, banana peels, paper, you get the idea.
    2. People driving down to the harbor and parking. Many of you may remember her husband, who would come down to the harbor and yell at surfers. He has since passed away and seeing people disregard her late husband requests makes her quite sad and frustrated.
    3. People have been camping in the boat parking lot lately, presumebly too get the dawn patrol surf.
    This has led in her opinion to an increase in trash. She also alone in her home and would like to know who is on her property. There is only one person who has her permission to camp (live) on her land. I can´t remember his name, but you know, the guy in the boat.

    Because of this, she is now threatening to close her private road to the public by use of a locked cable across the entrance or even a boom.

    We have very few options here. This thread was not created to start a public forum debate on allmänsrätt issues or how legal the road closing would be. This gets us nowhere fast. The fact of the matter is that some people have disrespected a land owner. La Margaretha Hertz is an active politician in Kungsbacka. Nämnden för Äldreomsorg, arbetsutskott – Ordf
    Nämnden för Äldreomsorg – Ordf
    Kommunfullmäktiges valberedning – Ordf
    Region Halland valberedning – led
    Pensionärsrådet – repr äo
    Kommunstyrelsen – led
    Region Halland – ers
    Kommunala Handikapprådet – ers äo
    Kommunfullmäktige – led
    So she probably knows people that would make it possible for her to legally close her stretch of road down to the harbour, making it a pain in the ass to walk down the muddy path. Not to mention parking on the road, changing and so forth.
    The easiest thing to do,
    1. Pick up our shit. This goes for any spot. It´s a boat yard not a junk yard.
    2.Don´t park at the harbor! It´s not that far too walk down from the parking and check the wave. Seriously how lazy can you be. If you are truly planning on surfing, you´re gonna get wet anyway!
    3. Camping. This is a tough one. Like i said I don´t want to debate who´s right according to the swedish laws. But try to respect her wishes.

    I am merely the messenger in this matter. La Margaretha contacted me since we had cooperated on a Surfrider beach clean-up several years ago, along with local surfer Uffe, Backdoor Göran and others. By the way, she is still grateful for that, hence the phone call before acting out of rage and locking us out of there.

    Feel free to write comments, but the best thing to do is clean the place up otherwise we risk losing an access issue to a very popular spot.

    -Matthew Fader
    Chapter Chairman
    Surfrider Foundation Europe
    Gothenburg, Sweden

    fader svarade 14 år, 4 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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