Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Att bygga en park..

  • Att bygga en park..

    Publicerad av kristjans på 3 januari, 2007 vid 01:19

    Orkade inte att översätta så ni får det på engelska


    You dream, it we make it…
    You draw it, we build it…

    In order to get the wildest, most innovative snowkitepark in Europe ready for the Nordic Masters snowkite battle 2007, our shapers are accepting ideas and suggestions for new ramps, rails & obstacles.
    Every idea is possible as long as it is buildable.. Wouldn´t it be cool to see your sickest personal idea for a kite obstacle built and ridden by the pros!?

    Until february 1st . you can email you sickest suggestion for a kitepark obstacle to our shapers on; , the pros from in cooperation with our shapers will pick the best suggestions to be built.

    The best ideas will be published on the isurf blog : on February 5th and you can then through the weekly videopodcast follow the building, shaping and testing of the park.


    Suggestions can be mailed to the shapers as either 2D .jpeg files or by using sketchup .skp files. (

    If you want to draw the entire competition area, please include and remember:
    A) Launch area.
    B)50 sqm Tent for DJ´s & chilling.
    C)Speakers position

    For more info on Nordic Masters 2007, check out :

    kristjans svarade 18 år, 1 månad sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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