Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Branschnyheter Avanti segel i Sverige genom Ventonord

  • Avanti segel i Sverige genom Ventonord

    Publicerad av svensson61 på 15 september, 2014 vid 23:23

    Nu äntligen går det att köpa Avantisegel i Sverige

    Besök Ett nytt företag i Lomma Skåne

    Ett avancerat segel till vettiga priser. 3 cam seglet CONDOR blev bland annat testvinnare i Planchemag 2014 test.

    ”This Condor offers a new and unique technology made from Technora, very light and strong. Wonderful, very light, clean and with tear resistance.”

    Freestyle Seglet ECHO ME körs av bland andra Julien Mas och Youp Smithbåda kända för sin radikala segling.

    Nu går det även att förbeställa 2015 års segel. Hör av er

    Förutom Avantisegel är Ventonord även sedan 1 vecka tillbaka distributör för Makani fins.
    Det finns redan ett lager av windsurfing, kite och SUP fenor och finns det inte på lager brukar det ta ung 1 vecka att få hem nya.

    svensson61 svarade 10 år, 4 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • svensson61

    14 oktober, 2014 vid 15:44

    Avantisails Condor 2014 utsågs som testvinnare i våras av Planchemag


    The 2014 Condor is the best of the best in the 3 cam Freerace category receiving the ’Coup de Coeur’ as the market reference sail.
    Just ask the well respected test team from Planchemag!
    Below is a direct translation from the magazine:

    ”This Condor offers a new and unique technology made from Technora, very light and strong. Wonderful, very light, clean and with tear resistance.


    It’s upper size (8.2 compare to the other sails in test @ 7.8) made it have a bit less accessibility. But this Condor is a big engine despite one of the finest profiles and lightness. The power is smooth and increases as we close the sail with a very stable profile. What is interesting is that the sail is getting more stability and lightness as the speed increases. It’s very pleasant and effective in the lower and middle range of wind with a super compromise between finesse and power. The sail is going well upwind and downwind. We can sail with only two fingers and we feel the speed. The sail is a little bit less playful than the others. It likes high performances.

    The Condor is different and very effective. We recommended it for middle and heavy guys also if you windsurf in the lower range wind.

    Cams are good with good speed and power after the gybe.


    An innovative and very competitive sail with it’s high performance and stability to go fast without constraints. The construction inspires confidence and the sail is also perfect for flat water lakes and thermic winds.”

    To find out more about this test read the full article in the March special edition of PM.

    To all those future owners of the Condor, enjoy!

    Good sailing,

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