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  • sirjohnirie

    31 januari, 2005 vid 02:34

    grin.gif Gravlax=grave-salmon,yummy.. Good luck with the filming, expecting adrenaline wink.gif


  • lars_k

    2 februari, 2005 vid 16:49

    Ligger här:

    Filerna börjar med ssm_

  • johanc

    2 februari, 2005 vid 17:37


    rätt coola ungar som e ute och rippar i tremetersvågor… Verkar inte så helt illa det där….

    å så vaknar man och bor i sverige…..


  • anonym-anvandare

    4 februari, 2005 vid 23:31

    Svar till:

    Ligger här:

    Filerna börjar med ssm_

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dear Lars

    This is not cool, the only thing that can happen by you doing that is actually getting us in big trouble.

    We removed all the videos for the right reasons…. -> provide you better films.

    Thanks to remove the link, and ask the person who the ftp belongs to to remove the files.



  • lars_k

    5 februari, 2005 vid 09:44

    Hmm…sorry. I think the ftp-master should remove them in that case. It is out of my control now…
    I hope you will make more nice videos from dreamspot maui soon!

  • anonym-anvandare

    6 februari, 2005 vid 13:24

    Svar till:

    Hmm…sorry. I think the ftp-master should remove them in that case. It is out of my control now…
    I hope you will make more nice videos from dreamspot maui soon!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dear Lars

    We have lots of project, and you will see some new stuff soon…..

    In the mean time, you can buy SSM T-shirts on our website, and proudly wear our colors in SWEDEN.

    This little part that every one of you would contribute in a full lrnght release.

Sida 2 av 2

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