Bästa plattvatten-spotarna i Sverige? Finns de?
Efter att ha tittat på några videos på Youtube från en extrem plattvatten-spot i Australien, sjön Budgiewoi lake i Australien, började jag fundera på vilka Sveriges bästa spotar för extremt plattvatten är? De få gånger jag haft möjlighet att tex. gipa i plattvatten så har de förbättrats varje gång tex. och även kunnat segla fortare såklart.
Kolla in den här sköna videon från Budgiewoi lake
https://youtu.be/Zfd2JFWWY5kSå här beskriver ”Cluffy” sjön.
”This video is taken on the sand flats at Budgiewoi lake on the NSW central coast. It is the most popular spot in our area by far and it is probably the best speed sailing spot on the east coast of Australia. Budgiewoi is not a very windy place but it has exceptionally flat water. It’s so flat you really can’t believe it until you see it. Budgiewoi is extremely shallow but shallow water alone will not give you flat water, the reason for the smooth surface is a certain type of sea grass the grows there. The effect of the sea grass on the chop is really quite dramatic. Unfortunately a delta fin is mandatory as the weed is quite heavy and the water is only 10 inches deep in places. did I mention this place has flat water? oh man it is incredibly flat. it’s an almost surreal experience first time.There have been some very high speeds set here. The current record is 42.5 knots and a lot of guys have broken 40 knots here. My personal best at budgiewoi is 38.3 knots in a 25 to 30 knot southwesterly. It was an amazing day that I will never forget.
In this video I am not even powered up and I still hit 33.5 knots on the day. If you watch my front leg closely, whenever it is bent I am underpowered. I only got slightly powered up a few times. Budgiewoi is a place where you hold a lot of sail and bear away on some very deep angles and really get lit up for some adrenalin pumping rides. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of bearing away in a manner that doesn’t dump power and instead builds speed as you bear off but once you get a feel for it you will start posting some big speeds.
If you ever visit the NSW area really try hard to have sail at budgiewoi. I promise you that you won’t regret it. Remember a delta fin is mandatory a regular weed fin won’t work at all.”
Här är hans video från sjön.
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