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Alltså, alla som nu fördömmer grabben och eventuella ”icke” ansvarstagande kiteproffs.
Killen ligger på sjukan och begrundar sina misstag. Jag tror att det räcker gott. Sluta med att hacka på honom, det är så jävla omoget.
Sedan håller jag med Melker. Tro fan att man inte går fram till någon som inte kan vare sig hantera sin drake korrekt, i förhållanden som inte är direkt vänliga. Två skadade är ju inte bättre det!
Däremot kan man ju vifta lite med armarna från stranden.
Obligatorisk hjälm? Nä jag tror inte det men det borde vara obligatoriskt på alla kurser. Då för man ju åtminstone testa hur det är, sedan kan man ju göra valet själv.
Till slut vill jag säga att man är myndig vid 18 och fattar själv sina beslut. Förbud och regler som inte vare sig kan eller går efterfölja och kontrolleras är meningslöst.
Mer sunt förnuft till folket.
I’ve been kiting at Habo Ljung (scene of the accident) for two years now pretty frequently. I was att the place, but didn’t see the accident. Here are answers to some of the questions
The wind was not very strong or particularly gusty. Others are welcome to correct me here but I think average 7-8 m/s gusting to 10-11 m/s. Id say a 14 would have been the best kite size that day.(I dont know his kite size).
I believe the guy was neither dragged nor lofted into the concrete bridge piers. Its just that everybody who kites here constantly go within a few meters of these piers, particularly in this winddirection (crossonshore). So did this guy and must have lost control somewhere on the way. The concrete bridge piers are standing in the middle of the water right were you kite.
I heard he had already pulled his quickrelease before hitting the pier, but I believe others know more about this.
He was not wearing a helmet or other protection, as far as i know.
I believe the guy started kiting this summer. Again, others can give this information.
Im aware that this is no complete discription of the events, but its a start. Fill in or correct anything you might disagree with.
/Kalle Netzell -
El surfe de cometa en Habo Ljung (escena del accidente) por dos años ahora de bonito con frecuencia. Era att el lugar, pero no vi el accidente. Aquí están las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas que el viento no era muy fuerte o particularmente impetuoso. Otros son agradables corregirme aquí pero pienso el promedio 7-8 m/s que ventea a 10-11 m/s. La opinión de la identificación 14 habría sido el mejor tamaño de la cometa que day.(I no saben su tamaño de la cometa). Creo que arrastraron ni que lofted al individuo ni en los embarcaderos concretos del puente. Su justo ese todos a que las cometas aquí van constantemente dentro de algunos metros de estos embarcaderos, particularmente en este winddirection (crossonshore). Hizo tan a este individuo y debe haber perdido control en alguna parte en la manera. Los embarcaderos concretos del puente están estando parados en el centro de la derecha del agua eran usted cometa. Oí él había tirado ya de su quickrelease antes de golpear el embarcadero, pero creo que otros saben más sobre esto. Él no usaba el casco o la otra protección, por lo que sé. Creo a individuo comenzado a kiting este verano. Una vez más otros pueden dar esta información. Im enterado que éste no es ningún discription completo de los acontecimientos, pero su un comienzo. Complete o corrija cualquier cosa que usted puede ser que discrepe con.
Nå, men är det värkligen farligt? Jag brukade aldrif få ont.
Svar till:
Nå, men är det värkligen farligt? Jag brukade aldrif få ont.
[/ QUOTE ]
vad är farligt? kitesurf. typ ganska, jag har vatt nära o dö typ två gånger men man lär sig efter hand om man inte råkar ut för nått allvarligt…
vad hände då, sköt några gulingar ner kajten med ak4or while in the deep vietnamese djungel?
Oki i’ll fill in some blanks,
Kite size; SS Fuel 15.
Leash; wearing center leash and using Winchard QR.
Board leash; No.
Helmet/impact; No.Skill; intermediate, IKO level 3 (N),first jump on his own.
riding since; apx. 4 months.
Conditions; 15-20 knots a bit gusty but not to bad.
Spott; It’s inportant to mesion that in this spot and with this wind u get blown on to these conrete things weather u want or not! and u have to pass them to get out from the beach, or walk for a long time…I did not se the accicident but i was his instructor and i helped him once he got out of the water (just arrived).
He was in chock and in pain but fully concious, uderstanding what was said to him and able to describe injury, also managed to get out of the wetsuit and clean wound with a little help… Then the ambulance arrived and took over. This is what i heard and think about what happend on the water, He was riding to close to shore (30 m from beach) and had good speed comming towards the concrete blocks, i think he noticed this and tried to bail but to late? and with to much board speed and the kite quite low he just cept on going without the board, now this is a bad situation cuz if u bring the kite up u will get lofted and if u bring it down well that wont help either… what i heard he did is what u should do! pull the QR (leash) only i think it took to long or mabe it dident work wich means the kite generates even more power… After smashing in to the concrete face first he stands up (someone grabbing the kite on the beach) and walks back to shore, then we take care of him…This is based on what i heard on the beach after the crash and the fact that i heard the kite hit the water when i turned to se what it was i saw someone walk from the water and onto the beach, as i was walking towards him when i got closer i recoginced the person and spotted the bloody face…
hope this helps…
Ps. i will go to visit the guy at the hospital next week and get the first hand story of what went wrong, if he agrees to it i will mail u personal with the details. Ds.
jevla bra grejer
Nå, hemska grejer verkar som. Men borde fara försiktig kanske, men roligare fort.
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