Tony, this is really strange and I can tell you that it has stirred up emotions amongst the local (bird) hunters & land owners, myself included.
They have not even made the land owners aware of this decision, which to my limited knowledge in relevant legislation, is ”against the rules” given the fact that there are pending appeals. Plus the fact that they tend to be very informative towards all material plaintiffs. I gather this is an information leak.
This specific natural reserve has nothing to do with the one planned for the lands and waters south of the Klagshamn penninsula. This one is driven by Malmö Kommun since a couple of years back, whereas the southern one is driven by Länsrätten since 6 months back.
No kite- or windsurf bans have been mentioned as far as I know. The main objective of this reserve is to protect the ”links” land frequently flooded at high tide which primarily will result in limitations to fencing, hey harvesting and hunting.