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Haha, jo och jag också tydligen, bidde inget…😂
Nån som är sugen på en tidig morgonsurf före jobbet?
Typ kl.5…..
Går inte solen upp först kl 6 nuförtiden?
I got really nice surprise, yesterday in the morning, came at 7 a.m., but the wind didn’t stop until 15.30. Nearly 9 hours windsurfing session. That was awesome, just went to a neighbouring beach to Sandarna, a bit south-west. Sandarna itself was calm ant quiet, but that beach I started from was really crazy wind machine, I had several hours with stable 10-11 m/s under big nice clouds and much sun. It was really day of a dream 🙂
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
You ask me? If yes, I should tell you that I wrote about Sandarna beaches, here, near Bjorkvik, not about Toro.
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Can it have been Klacknäset? On the map it looks just west of Sandarna and looks accessible by car. Haven’t been there myself. Could it work on west that is expected tomorrow?
You ask me? If yes, I should tell you that I wrote about Sandarna beaches, here, near Bjorkvik, not about Toro.
The beach west of Klacknäset works o.k on Westerly winds but it’s not accesseble by car, you have to park beside the mainroad an carry your gear for aprox 200 meters. Don’t park infront of the boom. Also, not to forget. Parking is prohibited in the area, you can get a ticket. Park on your own risk. Sometimes it works fine to start by Björkviks brygga instead, and from there reach the wind further out on the ”fjärd”.
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
If it was the one with the ring on the picture it was Kärringviken, like Björkviksmannen says it’s not as accessible as the other beaches but it works on west and north-west.
But remember that west is always a problem in Stockholm because it is so gusty.
If you smile you can park your car by the houses. It’s a bit off season now so people are more relaxed.
The road running to klacknäset is closed with a boom.You ask me? If yes, I should tell you that I wrote about Sandarna beaches, here, near Bjorkvik, not about Toro.
For me the best way I discovered is to walk with rig to the Western tip of Sandarna and start there, then go back to the neighbouring beach, which is, by the way more clean and comfortable. (I am not sure if it’s called Klacknäset, Google Maps doesn’t show it to me)
Ok, I see.
That point is called lotsudden. On the other side of it is a stony beach but it has a smooth, gently sloping sandy sea bed.
There is a sand beach but it is really small and without access. Not sure it is exposed to west though. But it certainly works on vsv. -
Kan gå vid bryggan i morgon f-m. Värt ett försök med tanke på den hårda proggen. Vid så hård vind kan det vrida in tillräckligt trots vinkeln är mer än 230°.
Ser sådär ut vid bryggan. Börjat vrida mot V redan. Blir 6.3.
Går det att få en färsk rapport…? Sitter i bilen och väljer mellan Bvik ovh Brevik…
Ser sådär ut vid bryggan. Börjat vrida mot V redan. Blir 6.3.
Funkar fint med 6 m2
Uppdatering: Nu vred vinden till V men det blåser.
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Detta svar ändrades 5 år, 5 månader sedan av
Kör på södernäs, ser grymt ut. Funderar på om jag ska ta 4.5 eller 5.0.
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