Björn på streamande TV på nätet…
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Düsseldorf – Germany, October 17th 2002 — Björn Dunkerbeck (33) thirteen times Windsurf World Champion will be a guest on NBC Europe‚s broadcast of Giga.de on Friday October 18th starting at 15:15 through 17:00 (CET).
Over an almost two hour period, sports editors and hosts Gregor Teicher & Thomas Schanze will question Björn about the past world cup season, his speed sailing record attempt, as well as a horrific accident during a recent film shoot in Australia, which ended in a very close call.
Dunkerbeck will have in his bag a view clips from his up & coming „Search‰ movie as well as a number of breathtaking materials to show.
For viewers outside of Germany, the broadcast can be viewed via satellite via Eutelsat‚s HotBird 13º East (frequency 11.054,0 ˆ polarization horizontal ˆ SR 27,500 FEC 5/6)
and via a live webcast over two internet streams:
Highspeed Access http://giga.de/x-stream/streams/dsllive.html
or Modem oder ISDN: http://giga.de/x-stream/streams/isdnlive.htmlVisit: http://www.giga.de/home
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