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  • skotten

    27 maj, 2007 vid 08:38

    tried to call you last night… all I got was your machine… ”welcome to gay chat, if you would like to speak with other gay and lesbian lovers, please press one….”

    hahaha Kiddin, ok, I was over last night, but frode and his mates were just going to take it easy (hangovers), so I just came back here to work with Hooogo.

    I aint sure I am gonna head over today, could be parkvägen, but if the weather doesnt clear up, I will just go to the grandparents for the whole mothersday thing….

  • jonaish

    27 maj, 2007 vid 08:43

    @skotten 386090 wrote:

    tried to call you last night… all I got was your machine… ”welcome to gay chat, if you would like to speak with other gay and lesbian lovers, please press one….”

    hahaha Kiddin, ok, I was over last night, but frode and his mates were just going to take it easy (hangovers), so I just came back here to work with Hooogo.

    I aint sure I am gonna head over today, could be parkvägen, but if the weather doesnt clear up, I will just go to the grandparents for the whole mothersday thing….

    hahaaa… yee yee, the wind is here and kasimir to soon:D

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