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  • Bra pumptips till Hypersonic brädor!

    Publicerad av jeppe på 14 juni, 2004 vid 16:08


    Tycker att min HS133 är lite halvseg att få igång med min 9.9a, så till den grad att det var dags att få lite tips från Svein den allsmäktiges forum. wink.gif

    Förhoppningsvis blir det lättare nästa gång. Hoppas att det kan hjälpa någon mer än mig, om ni upplevt liknande situation.


    I have heard that the two fins that is included for the HS133 should cover the whole windregister that the board have. But I´m serously in doubth.

    Yesterday I got to try my HS133 with my Gun M8 9.9, I have gived up sailing the board with the 42 fin for this sail, so I tried a Pointer 44 instead.

    Pumping the sail with this fin or the 42 will result in no respons from the fin at all. Later I swapped the sail to a RRD beast with a 70 fin, after 3 pumps I got great speed.

    Im considerate to get a ~55 fin for the 9.9 sail. Will this be a good choice, or do this board require some special pump technique that I have´nt figure out yet? My friend also tried the board and got the same feeling, the fin is totally wrong for that sail.

    Any comments?
    Jeppe ( )

    6/14/2004 11:11:37 AM
    Hello Jeppe,
    The fins supplied with the Hypersonics are more than adequate to sail with a 9.9, but the board won’t respond to the same kind of pumping technique you use on the RRD Beast.
    Many sailors have tried the Hypersonics (all sizes) and found them slow to plane, and sticky, and seemingly “underfinned” (especially when trying to get going in marginal/underpowered conditions) and given up on Hypersonics completely BEFORE they figured out what the Hypersonics are all about.
    Yes, they require some “ooching” and light pumping (they do not respond well to the big “whole body” pumping techniques that work so well on Formula and other wider boards with huge fins) but once you figure out how to “urge” the Hypersonic up onto a plane, and get enough water going by the smaller fin, for it to work well, look out, as the Hypers all accelerate super quickly and will take you to far higher speeds than your RRD, in light winds.
    You could put a 50-55 cm fin on the Hyper 133, and probably get it going more easily, but at some point you would experience tailwalking and other control problems due to too much fin for the speed the board can attain. Lot’s of sailors use larger fins on the Hypersonics, but I’ve found it’s better to stay with a small fin, if you really want the most speed and control, once you get the Hyper to “lite up”.
    Try heading further off the wind, and be sure to get your weight way back. Put the arch of your rear foot right on the centerline (fore/aft) and
    back almost to the front of the rear footstraps, head of wind more, and
    try to keep the board very flat, rail to rail.
    Once it takes off, be ready, because it will try to accelerate right out from under you.
    You can easily make up any distance you lost down wind as soon as the board lites up as the Hypers go upwind quite high and very fast.
    Give yourself some time to get used to the little “quirks” that make the Hypersonics do what they do so well.
    Give it enough time, and I’m sure the board will challenge your “how fast can we go” threshold.
    I can almost guarantee that the Hyper 133 will go faster than you really want to go.
    Smaller fins are faster, once the water gets flowing, so you just need to figure out what works to get the water to flow and you will be ripping.
    Hope this helps,
    Roger USA 7011 ( )

    6/14/2004 11:42:23 AM
    Thanks a lot Roger for your great input.

    That was my thought. I can tell that I do not excel in pumping, but as I found it so easy on the RRD, I thought this must be wrong. I´ve found that when I have the vind margins on my side, It will plane more quickly if I go far down in wind that more “half down”. I have to try your suggestions to quirkpump on to plane far downwind. My weight does not make it more easy as it is ~95 kg and maybe it simply was not enough wind yesterday at the end. I actually got some runs in the morning with a 8.8. When the wind dropped I changed to the 9.9 sail. But I find, it a said, quite gnarly to pump it to plane with the 9.9.

    I also have to tell you that I have experienced the potential in the board. As I had a go couple weeks ago fully powered with a 6.4 race sail. Feels great.


    Har kollat upp vad arch betyder, hålfot tydligen. smile.gif

    Nu blir det till att fortsätta att öva med småfenorna och stora segel.

    anonym-anvandare svarade 20 år, 7 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • fjant

    14 juni, 2004 vid 20:29

    Intressant läsning! Själv håller jag på att försöka lära mig min HS 105a. Tycker att den är seg med 9.5 och har provat större (52cm) fena, vilket hjälpte en del, men den blev som sagt svårkontrollerad.

    Ska bli intressant att testa igen och tänka lite extra på vad snubben skrev!


  • anonym-anvandare

    14 juni, 2004 vid 20:49

    Herrejävvlar, 9,9kvm.
    Tro fan att man får pumpa. Aldrig testat så stora grejer, är det kul?

    -Hellre 5 dagar nuke om året än 100 dagar lättvind-

  • jeppe

    15 juni, 2004 vid 07:10

    Kul och kul, det är naturligtvis roligare med mindre prylar. Med full tryck då jag väl fått igång grejerna, så har jag betydligt roligare än att sitta på stranden och vänta på nuke i alla fall. wink.gif

  • anonym-anvandare

    15 juni, 2004 vid 08:29

    Tragiskt att se någon stackare bara segla 5 ggr/ år..
    105 dagar/år inklusive alla nukedagar är vad som gäller !

  • anonym-anvandare

    15 juni, 2004 vid 09:19

    Har seglat 105 denna säsongen och kan bara hålla med *boar konf tipset. Man måste falla av kraftigt samtidigt som man pumpar och sen sticker man…Behövs inga jättefenor.

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