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Bräda för tungviktare?
Publicerad av ben-hogan på 23 februari, 2001 vid 11:08Inser att 95 kg är ett problem när man surfar…..
Antingen är det 9.0 som gäller, eller kalla vinterstormar (tål inte sånt)…
Men: Finne det någon duktig, TUNG (90+) windsurfare som kan rekomendera en bäda att gå vidare på? Seglar just nu stor Mistral Vision, som jag förmodligen behåller, men skall flytta utomlands till varmare trakter och tänkte köpa loss antingen en freestyle bräda eller freeride typ mindre.
Seglade mycket F2 Ride 266 i November, som jag tyckte gick som ett skott (96 liter) när det väl blåste på Margarita.
Funderar på skillnader på Freestylebrädor runt 95-115 liter: Vad gäller bottenformer…? Ska man ta en större freestyle/vågbräda eller är det bara korkat?
En vågbräda runt 90-95 liter är ett andra alternativ, men har inte provat nånting sånt….
Finns det nån tungviktare som kan komma med ett par kloka ord??
anonym-anvandare svarade 24 år sedan 6 Medlemmar · 10 Svar -
10 Svar
Köp allt i widestyle!
Jag ligger själv på 97 pannor och kör Starboard Formula 175 och Fish 85 och det funkar perfekt!
Fishen kanske inte är optimal för riktigt stora feta rullande vågor men var kan man segla i sådana? -
Jag är ingen tungviktare men jag tror iallafall att jag kan rekommendera en vågis på ca 90L..Har du ord. tryck i seglet så får du ju iallafall ALLA bra egenskaperna hos en vågis som tex svängegenskaper,livlighet mm
Jag (91) kg har själv en starboard carve 99 som passar mig bra. Carve 111 eller 123 skulle passa bra. här har du en kopia från ett test:
Released last year, the Starboard Carve 123 has quickly become a best seller. Like the five other boards in the Carve line, this one has lots of V in the tail. The nose features a channeled bottom quite apparent when looking at the board on dry land. Another distinct feature is the 45 degree beveled rails. The boards round outline is accentuated by its 64- cm design, the second widest on test. Despite its round appearance, the tail is quite wide. Non skid is excellent, the foot straps are comfortable, and the deck pads are firmer than most.The no. 1 complaint about this board; Everyone else was on it. The Carve 123 does everything well, a test favourite. In a wide range of wind and water conditions, it consistently left our testers smiling. The 123 offers the largest range of jybes and carries speed easily throughout the turns. It’s width makes it stable and forgiving in jibes, yet the board maintains a responsive and smooth ride. Not the fastest or highest pointing, the 123 gets you there easily and comfortably. The freestyle elements (channeled nose and inset straps) make the board nicely convertible.
However, we are not sure what kind of sailors would set it up as a Freestyle board, As Freestyle sailors would likely choose something smaller. The 123 is a fantastic freeride board set up as a freeride blaster.
It’s wind range and wide variety of gybes make the Carve 123 a winner. A great small board for heavy weights, or big board for small sailors. One of the most versatile in it’s class.
Windsport, Canada; 1/01
Jag (91) kg har själv en starboard carve 99 som passar mig bra. Carve 111 eller 123 skulle passa bra. här har du en kopia från ett test:
Released last year, the Starboard Carve 123 has quickly become a best seller. Like the five other boards in the Carve line, this one has lots of V in the tail. The nose features a channeled bottom quite apparent when looking at the board on dry land. Another distinct feature is the 45 degree beveled rails. The boards round outline is accentuated by its 64- cm design, the second widest on test. Despite its round appearance, the tail is quite wide. Non skid is excellent, the foot straps are comfortable, and the deck pads are firmer than most.The no. 1 complaint about this board; Everyone else was on it. The Carve 123 does everything well, a test favourite. In a wide range of wind and water conditions, it consistently left our testers smiling. The 123 offers the largest range of jybes and carries speed easily throughout the turns. It’s width makes it stable and forgiving in jibes, yet the board maintains a responsive and smooth ride. Not the fastest or highest pointing, the 123 gets you there easily and comfortably. The freestyle elements (channeled nose and inset straps) make the board nicely convertible.
However, we are not sure what kind of sailors would set it up as a Freestyle board, As Freestyle sailors would likely choose something smaller. The 123 is a fantastic freeride board set up as a freeride blaster.
It’s wind range and wide variety of gybes make the Carve 123 a winner. A great small board for heavy weights, or big board for small sailors. One of the most versatile in it’s class.
Windsport, Canada; 1/01
mvh, JJ
Hej! Du har problem. Det förstår jag som själv ligger på 95kg .Ett sätt är att
titta på vad bräd och segeltillverkarna har för team killar, Jag själv seglar
en underbar vågbräda som dom flesta inte tycker är typisk vågis men jag lovar
att det inte är många som åker ifrån den,den är snabb,lätt,rolig,otroligt hopp-
villig.99liter.Jag förväntar mig en massa mesiga påhopp från dom som inte har
seglat med ska du ha en förbannat rolig bräda köp en beg RRD265 wave
för den tillverkas inte mer.Har du tur finns det någon på surfers paradise i
Varberg.Mvh Roger ö -
har en tiga 267 wave 92 lit 6500 kr
plus en del beg brädor kring 80-85 lit
0709926972 -
Tjena.Funderar också skaffa en mindre bräda.Vad ska man tänka på när det gäller
vol kontra vikt .Väger också 95+ -
du kan kolla testerna på AHD nedan. Här är även ett utdrag av en test på AHD FD70.
Lycka till i sökandet.
Please find below a test of the AHD Free Diamond 70 which will be published in the Buyers Guide test of Canadian magazine Windsport :
AHD Free Diamond 70
The first thing you notice on this board is its diamond-shaped nose and tail. But the single most important feature on the new AHD Free Diamond 70 is the single-concave bottom. This exaggerated concave runs from the nose right to the tail, with absolutely no vee. What the Free Diamond lacks in thickness, it makes up for in width. The finish is impeccable, with a solid nonskid and comfortable footstraps. The powerbox fin is a little on the soft side, but the size complements the board nicely.
AHD take a radically different approach to this board category, and the result is impressive. Rather than modifying a course-racing design they have started from scratch. They chose to maximize early-planing performance and maneuverability at the expense of a little top-end speed and upwind performance. The result is the most innovative design this year. This board maximizes early planing with 7.5 to 8 metre sails and still delivers exceptional maneuverability. Jumping, gybing and flat-water looping, this board does it all. The board is also super easy to sail with its smooth forgiving ride. The straps can be set further inboard for improved maneuverability or outboard for straight line speed and control. This board is ideal for lightwind freestyle and maneuver oriented freeriding.
This board was the favourite board among our experienced testers. The ambitious intermediate will also enjoy this models smooth ride and versatile gybing performance. Lightweight first-time shortboarders will find this board offers enough stability, making it a board they can quickly grow into. -
HEJ har tiga 259 wave 2000 4.995 86lit
en f2 254 82 lit 98 3.500 kr
en ace 258 75 lit 97 2995 kr
0418 14109 070 9926972
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