Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Bräda till barn? (9-12 år)

  • Bräda till barn? (9-12 år)

    Publicerad av petter_f på 26 november, 2012 vid 08:49

    My brother came to me asking me what board would suit his young boys. They are around 9-13 years old. I have no idea myself.

    They have a Starboard Start from 2003 or so, which has been great for a family board. It has a small centerboard that can be screwed on, but is huge… 200L or something. I am pretty sure he bought a kiddy rig for them a while ago, around 3m.

    I suppose he is asking if this huge board is okay for the youngsters (appropiate size / balance etc), and not going to kill their early windsurfing experience. Would he need to look into getting a board more suited for youngsters than this ’monster’? BTW I’ve been out on it with a 7.5 and had it honking along. Fun for a light wind day at the beach.

    They are beginners, but have pottered around in light wind with what they have.


    (svar gärna på svenska)

    (Jag gjorde ett sök på ’barnrigg’, varför fick jag inte upp tråden som skrevs för något år sedan om detta?)

    petter_f svarade 12 år, 3 månader sedan 6 Medlemmar · 8 Svar
  • 8 Svar
  • vigla

    26 november, 2012 vid 12:37

    JP Young Gun 115 litres, stable and forgiving but still very easy for a lightweight youngster to manoeuvre through transitions which is the reverse of the coin, when using
    ”big-super-stable-family-boards”. I suppose most brands have an equivalent model, but my kids really progressed on the YG.


  • svenne

    26 november, 2012 vid 13:23

    I’ve successfully (sailing wise) added a US-box in the middle on several freestyle/freewave boards to make them suitable for kids. Works like a treat. Pick any board in the 100-110 size and you’re good to go with any US-fin as center board.

  • bjorn-daniels

    26 november, 2012 vid 14:10

    My 8year old boy use a 110 l freeride with Us centerbox. Works perfect. Think you Can Do as Svenne says. I also use the board as a freeride with 6.0 and 7.0.

  • bjorn-daniels

    26 november, 2012 vid 14:18

    BTW make sure it got softdeck, saves knees if they don’t have wetsuit

  • petter_f

    26 november, 2012 vid 19:11

    Great suggestions, thanks. That’s going to make him really happy, by not having to lug the big board down to the beach. He does have a no-nose slalom board from the late 90’s which he could put the us-box in but my guess is that it’ll be too narrow (wobbly).

    Picking up an older freestyle/wave board on the cheap will probably be the go.


  • bicless

    26 november, 2012 vid 19:51

    There are a couple of short and thin boards available on the market suitable for kids and youngsters if they want to make is easy. Exocet for example has one with center fin option, If the kid a beginner he/she use a center fin, if not, they just use a plug and sail only on the back fin. Board is thinner and shorter and therefor possible foot steer also for smaller people.

  • styret

    27 november, 2012 vid 13:28

    Young gun, fanatic ripper mfl har ju fördelen att dom är byggda för juniorer med tätare mellan fotstropparna och närmare till riggen än andra brädor på marknaden.

    Ska ungarna börja plana och köra i stroppar så tror jag det är nyttigt.

  • petter_f

    27 november, 2012 vid 22:29

    @styret 703952 wrote:

    Young gun, fanatic ripper mfl har ju fördelen att dom är byggda för juniorer med tätare mellan fotstropparna och närmare till riggen än andra brädor på marknaden.

    Ska ungarna börja plana och köra i stroppar så tror jag det är nyttigt.

    You’ve certainly got a point there. He’s not the type to be glassing in footstrap plugs and moving deck foam about. The older boy could certainly be planing by the end of the season.


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