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  • Bringdal på Mistral?

    Publicerad av dr-masse på 14 maj, 2009 vid 20:29

    Via beachtelegraph:

    Översatt från franska till engelska (tar det inte till svenska, då lär det bli väl galet…):

    We were made aware in recent months rumors surrounding the fate of the Mistral brand and its current restructuring … New marketing positioning, new team and new products for 2010, while still quite vague until our for sleuth reveals the following information …
    The sounds seem to indicate, in fact the last few days with a new one which should be large since Anders Bringdal should be the new symbol of the brand to the M!
    According to our information, it is now Mistral International BV, which was the acquisition last year of various licenses Mistral, which should soon take care of the Department for windsurfing, a department which under every likelihood, therefore, be managed by Anders Bringdal!
    There is no doubt that the information should be clarified and official in the coming days …

    Source : Espions Source: Spies

    laird svarade 15 år, 10 månader sedan 12 Medlemmar · 14 Svar
  • 14 Svar
  • tobhed

    14 maj, 2009 vid 20:38

    Så AB+ blir Mistral nu då?

  • adde

    14 maj, 2009 vid 20:54

    Skulle inte AB marknadsföra Kona också?

  • imported_macts

    15 maj, 2009 vid 07:11

    det var som fan…undrar om det är sant?

  • hot-boff

    15 maj, 2009 vid 08:36

    Yes, det är klart, se pressmeddelande från Mistral!


    Sports and lifestyle brand Mistral is entering into an exclusive collaborative arrangement with the surfing phenomenon Anders Bringdal – and as a result, a new generation of boards is in the pipeline.
    The sports and lifestyle brand Mistral is rediscovering its worldwide reputation as a label of champions. At the start of May, Mistral International BV – which is owned by the Twente-based family company Van Merksteijn BV and by entrepreneur and investor Ado Huisman – entered into an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement for windsurf boards with Swedish surfing sensation Anders Bringdal. Bringdal is a four-times world champion surfer and one of the front runners in the Speed World Cup. With this deal, Mistral demonstrates that the brand is inextricably linked with supreme quality, a genuine winner’s mentality, and a passion for speed in both sailing and windsurfing.
    It is 33 years since Mistral hooked up with another sporting legend, the American Robby Naish; the company’s sponsorship agreement with surfing’s youngest ever world champion helped Mistral develop into a globally renowned water sports brand.
    The new deal has also secured the future of the recently opened windsurf-board production line in the new factory in Vietnam. The licensing agreement commences on 1 July 2009, whereupon the current licence holder, German company Boards & More, will cease its licence-holding activities.
    The licensing agreement between Mistral and Bringdal is exclusive: Bringdal will be focusing completely on the Mistral brand. This is highly fitting for this perfectionist, who has a great reputation for designing and selling his own line of unique boards to live up to. Bringdal will fulfil his responsibility for all Mistral’s board-related activities from his home town of Marseille. Given the brand name, there couldn’t be a more appropriate location: this French port, located on the Mediterranean Sea, has traditionally enjoyed the cooling mistral winds that blow down from the Alps.
    Mistral hopes that the deal will secure it a more central role in the water sports world and bring it closer to surfers. ‘Performance through simplicity’ and ‘value for money’ will remain the watchwords for the company’s boards.
    The line of new generation Mistral boards, to be launched at the end of November, will include three attention-grabbing types of surfboard: the ‘5 slalom’ series, the long distance GPS boards and the GPS Speed Board. Ultimately, Mistral’s new line is to include at least 14 different boards. A noteworthy detail is that the graphics on the boards will be developed by Ernstfried Prade, one of Mistral’s co-founders, who was also the company’s original designer, the man behind the famous Mistral logo. By resuming its working relationship with Prade, this originally Swiss sports brand aims to reconnect with its successful roots.
    Ado Huisman, managing director of Mistral International, is delighted about the licensing agreement with Bringdal. He says that Bringdal is not just a top windsurfing specialist, but also somebody who knows the sailing word inside and out. The managing director expects Bringdal to help lift Mistral to new heights, developing over the long term into an all-round sports brand renowned throughout the world of sailing.
    Bringdal is also highly enthusiastic about the collaboration and sees new growth opportunities for Mistral. “I am very happy with this new opportunity, even though it isn’t the easiest of times to be launching a new windsurf line. But I am 100-percent convinced that this new deal will ensure that we can produce the best products and take full advantage of the Mistral brand name. This will enable Mistral to play a pivotal role in the world of windsurfing and to meet its customers’ expectations.”
    Anders Bringdal,
    Haga Park, Island of Öland Sweden (1-3.5.09)
    Anders Bringdal ended up winning the competition with a top speed of 42,86 and a 10 sec average of 40,80 using his 7,0 sail mostly and his 46cm speed board.
    The win proppeled him up to 1st place on the year ranking on the world tour.
    Contact details for Mistral:
    Mistral International BV | Bedrijvenpark Twente 237 | 7602 KJ | Almelo | | | tel: +31 54 671 49 10
    For further information and interview requests, please contact:
    Press Only | Sylvia Avontuur |

  • dr-masse

    15 maj, 2009 vid 08:40

    Oj, det där var kul att läsa! Verkar som om det blir i Vietnam som brädorn byggs, dessutom… Intressant!

  • swell

    15 maj, 2009 vid 09:37
  • dr-masse

    15 maj, 2009 vid 10:32

    Måste säga att det är lite coolt att två av de mest väletablerade vindsurfmärken i världen nu körs av svenskar – Simmer och Mistral.

  • levieux

    15 maj, 2009 vid 15:01

    Tyckte att Mistral hade redan blivit mycket bättre sedan Nick Baker tog ansvaret där.

  • doc

    15 maj, 2009 vid 15:27

    Jo, men Baker har ju klivit av tjänsten…

  • Knatte

    15 maj, 2009 vid 16:07

    Vad händer med AB+ nu? Verkar ju som han bara skall jobba med Mistral eller hur skall man tolka detta??

  • joachim_larsson

    15 maj, 2009 vid 17:55

    Vi kan bara gratulera Anders Bringdal!

    Lycka till!


  • andersbq

    15 maj, 2009 vid 18:08
    Knatte;546986 wrote:
    Vad händer med AB+ nu? Verkar ju som han bara skall jobba med Mistral eller hur skall man tolka detta??

    Jag har haft lite kontakt med Anders på sistone och mellan raderna så har han antytt att han inte lägger så mycket fokus på AB+ om detta går igenom.
    Mitt tips är att han byter färg & logga på brädorna.

  • jester

    15 maj, 2009 vid 19:32
    Mitt tips är att han byter färg & logga på brädorna.

    Ja, det var så jag tolkade texten ovan.. Och det måste ju vara samma fabrik där han redan tillverkar plankorna, så det borde bara vara o tuta o köra…

  • laird

    15 maj, 2009 vid 20:20

    Hot Böf: Don’t go posting email addresses.

    adde…His brother and niece were in Kona

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