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@adde 381943 wrote:
Känns väl lite som Anders kom lite i skymundan på NP, bland alla andra namn. Samtidigt gick han ju alltid bra på Navman Maui racen. Intressant att han kör på en Naishbräda på bilden också – undrar vad som händer med AB+??
snackade med han nere pa kanaha igar da korde han en ab+ sa tror nog bara det ar pa bilden isof…
Ryktas om en comeback i PWA…
According to most of the people watching, Anders Bringdal made a big impression at Gruissan during the Defi Wind, hitting supersonic speeds that also impressed event winner Antoine Albeau ! 61st in the final standings is a long way from reflecting his true level, specially as it includes the calamitous 3rd race (195th). For the most part he raced with a total speed oriented rig, no more than 6.5m2 and 78 litres for a rider weighing in at 105kg !
More motivated than ever following his move to Naish, the whisper is that the big Sweden may even make a return to the PWA World Tour next year !
For those who may need reminding what a great champion Anders Bringdal has already been, we’ve dug this Robert Masters video out of the archive, video shot 20 years ago !!!
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