Senaste nytt › Forums › Kitesurfing › Konfen Kitesurfing › Can skotten lörn som swedish ?
@holmabolma 374155 wrote:
HAHA, riktigt kul!
Bra svenska kurs från HIPP HIPP
för sköna…
@Bronze 374401 wrote:
Haha, that’s a braw lad, be namin’ all the people here, sassenaches 🙂 Dinnae fash yersel’ man, write scottish,THEN we get something tae think about! 🙂
Ha Ha, nice yin, didnae ken yi were blessed wi the toungue of a jock, yir wiman must be well chuffed!!.
Aye, and yi ken fine that there is a wee difference between talkin like yin and actually bein yin hahaha.
nae a bad idea aboot the jock-språk, shud keep yiz busy…
Yi oot the morra? looks guy bra like..
Jeesus fuckin christ. What the hell did i start.
Skotty snackar med tungor.I apologize.
Please go back to english or Swedish, or even the cursed Danish is better than the toungue of a jock.
haha roger, roger (no not the type you are thinking about Tom…)
Now i owe skotten 2 pints of fine swedish lager,
but i´l be happy tofuck it i´l even throw in a third and a jäger for giving such fine compliments about my english.
looking forward to it, i bet Hugo will hook us up.
Don’t encourage Skotten too much when it comes to keeping in touch with his native tongue… =)
never underestimate the scots.. however the funniest of them has to be Billy Connolly… He wrote a song called evil scotsman.. if you can follow the words, its pretty funny, but the singing is a bit dodgy…
Funniest fucking guy in scotland…
oh you may find you say fuck a little more after this….. -
@skotten 376232 wrote:
Funniest fucking guy in scotland…
oh you may find you say fuck a little more after this….., Connolly is hilarious, I remember some… umm… different travel starring the bearded mad man. Another funny skottestolle is Craig Ferguson and of course we must not don’t forget Groundskeeper Willy, the greatest of them all.
ADD: After a few seasons of Trailer Park Boys, my vocabulary has been fuck-saturated
Men Tony, när du ändå visade oss Bill Conolly..
Varför visade du då inte din theme song.. den handlar väl om dig 😉 -
hahaha I knew it was this as SOON as I read that you had posted…
”if you re lookin for trouble, your in the right place,
Dont look at me like that, or I will headbutt your face.
Im a mean motherfucker, I was born that way,
and just because I wear a skirt, dont think I am fucking gay”haha just fantastic…
Hehehe, jag kunde texten redan långt innan jag hörde den, vet inte hur många gånger jag hört Scottish sjunga den på fyllan =)
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