• cool event

    Publicerad av mat på 25 september, 2006 vid 09:55

    hittat på http://www.flysurf.com

    ” The wave competition in Mauritius is a Flysurf.com exclusivity… It is taking place at the Morne where is the famous One Eye wave has just started. It will take place up to October the 10th.
    Here is a list of the riders : Martin Vari, Jaime Herraïz, Sky Solbach, Bertrand Fleury, Grant Baker, John Amundson, Peter Peterson, Felix Pivec, Will James, Jeff Tobias.
    Programme : all style waveriding, back side, front side, hook, unhook, with straps, strapless…
    No judges, only 4 cameramen ! Each evening, the riders will visualise the video of the competition of the day and they will give themselves a mark for all categories !
    From tonight on (and if not tomorrow), you’ll get news from the 1st wave day… “


    dalen svarade 18 år, 3 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 9 Svar
  • 9 Svar
  • mat

    28 september, 2006 vid 08:35

    bara en bild på nätet från eventet än så länge!! hoppas vi kan se fler snart!


  • zo0

    28 september, 2006 vid 15:06

    hehe alla bra waveriders på ett ställe asså 😀

  • rusiak

    28 september, 2006 vid 16:33

    uj uj, nice 🙂

    Var din åkning lika bra i morse Mat??


  • mat

    28 september, 2006 vid 16:42

    eheh! Blev Viken istället för Lejet. blåste inte så bra så var ute med 13 och surfbräda. Helt ok då.


  • zo0

    28 september, 2006 vid 19:57

    asså.. måste va ass gött att inte gå i skolan 😛 kunna dra ut o köra på när som hälst typ

  • kristjans

    28 september, 2006 vid 21:25

    va fan… peter petersen han e jo dansk!! coolt at en nordisk kille e me.

  • mat

    29 september, 2006 vid 06:00
    kristjans wrote:
    va fan… peter petersen han e jo dansk!! coolt at en nordisk kille e me.

    …och han rippar på Mauritius One eye! Peter in action!


  • mat

    3 oktober, 2006 vid 12:25

    hittat på flysurf.com…
    RIKTIGT nyfiken att se bilderna…

    “The great waveriding competition that is being held in Mauritius, at the Morne is taking place under extreme conditions. As witnessed by the growing pile of shredded kites, snapped boards, and piles of spectra spaghetti gracing the lawn of the beautiful Indian Hotel and Resort at Le Morne, the conditions during the first week of the inaugural Mauritius Kitesurf competition/expression session could only be described as “world class” with competitors pushing their equipment and themselves to the maximum.… ! Medias living in their tower face to the laguna and the One Eye wave !
    Sunday September 24th witnessed moderate winds and huge swell in what were undoubtedly some of the largest, longest waves ever kitesurfed.
    Grant “Twiggy” Baker, the South African surfer spent 5 hours on the One Eye without difficulties and riding the biggest series of the day. Locals and organisators Patrick Desvreaumigny and Laurent Lebolloch have also had their soul with grace and energy till the end bowl before kicking out.
    Moday 25th september : conditions solid waves and conditions a bit softer than Sunday’s…
    Martin Vari, by all reports, was getting the most barrels of any rider, pulling in with a stylish backhand approach on a 6 foot yellow towboard. Although paying his dues with several spectacular crashes, he made it through many of the winding bowls to the amazement of photographer Stephane Fournet during the watershooting and videographer, Elliot Leboe.
    Airrush’s Felix Pivec and Pete Peterson were out to prove that even with the extremely offshore conditions prevalent at one eye, it was still possible to ride unhooked. And prove it they did with some of the best top to bottom combos of the event. Oahu’s John Amundson began Wednesday by pulling into a sickeningly late full-speed backhand closeout. “It looked like it was going to be wide open”, he was overheard telling fellow competitors. Despite the full scale yard sale, which saw his kite completely ripped in half, and a full scale mashing by the second wave of the set, he returned an hour later to score some great waves, including several legitimate in and out barrels on one eye’s tricky end section.Jamie Herraiz, who began the week jetlagged and suffering from a stomach infection, along fellow North R&D’er Sky Solbach put in consistent backhand performances with their next generation hybrid/flat kites, consistently stepping up their levels with each wave caught. .
    The competitors have a rest this weekend as the conditions are to wind down, and enjoy VIP seating at Friday’s Boney M concert before a new swell arrives on Monday. Stay tuned! “


  • dalen

    3 oktober, 2006 vid 15:33
    kristjans wrote:
    va fan… peter petersen han e jo dansk!! coolt at en nordisk kille e me.
    he he… gamle peter kan än!!!!

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