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"Coursebräda": Pirate Cruiser
Publicerad av kinetic på 10 mars, 2009 vid 17:49Har precis fått bilder på Pirates ”förslag” till course-bräda…Det lilla jag vet om brädan är att det är ett sandwich-bygge med en hel del kolfiber, ca 175cm lång o runt 47cm bred. Fenboxen är en ”US-Tuttle variant”. Brädan på bilderna kan säljas, bra pris kan utlovas inkl frakt,fenor,stroppar samt boardbag, är du ev intresserad så maila, eller om du har egna ideer du vill förverkliga:grin: !
kinetic svarade 15 år, 11 månader sedan 12 Medlemmar · 18 Svar -
18 Svar
tycker den ser jääääkligt fin ut du men tyvärr är man ju inbiten twintippare 😀
Peter: Tror i ofs att de flesta har egna ideér. Men på de flesta brädor i Tyskland så var det betydligt mer vinkel på..
Å sen när började vi lita på tyskar?
trodde vi slutade med det för en sjuttio år sedan cirka…
ZIIK: Var knappt några tyskar. Mest fransmän 😉 men det är väl samma sak?
Update: Pirates ägare/shaper kunde inte hålla sig utan testade brädan idag en kort sväng…
Facit: Den funkar som tänkt:grin: ! Helt annan känsla jämfört med hans directionals, denna kunde köras betydligt ”plattare” mot vattnet…Nu har han ingen annan liknande brädtyp att jämföra med men det verkar lovande! Bilder på den mindra varianten kommer så fort jag fått de… -
Haze;534588 wrote:ZIIK: Var knappt några tyskar. Mest fransmän 😉 men det är väl samma sak?
litar vi på fransmän då:confused2:
Skotten: I will try to get one of these boards (the smaller one) to Sweden so people can try…They are not built in the same way as for instance Tom W and Anton’s ”Raceboards”. These are true sandwich boards with a EPS foam laminated with cloth, then Airex/Herex and some more cloth (mainly carbon/kevlar as i understand), when i told Pirate that it is probably not necessary to build them this way his answer was: ”I choosed between this way and only Airex/Herex but decided to go with true sandwich since i wanted some more volume so that the boards will be easier to gybe” (these boards are approx 5cm thick, and a 5cm thick core of Airex would be quite heavy, around 3cm is OK he says). The benefits of o board built with Airex/Herex core is that if its crashed it will virtually not absorb any water, if a sandwich board is smashed to the EPS-core well, then we all know what that means:grin:. Anyway he has sailed this bigger board a few times and it works really well according to him:grin:
All surf boards are sandwich constuction. Anything with a ”core” and ”skins” is a sandwich.
a snowboard is a sandwich. a ski is a sandwich. a dubbelmacka is a sandwich.a swedish sandwich is NOT a sandwich, it only has one skin.
More Pawa to ya. be happy to try out any boards u can get 2 da beach. If u c 1 uf myn, ryd it- anytime.
Tom W: Well sort of sandwich, thats why i wrote ”true sandwich”:grin:…I would not say that for instance an old thermoformed windsurfingboard (as it was ”back in the days”, early 90´s) is a sandwichboard since its only an EPS-core wraped with some cloth/resin and then covered with some kind of ABS.. A real sandwich should be: core-cloth-distancing material-cloth. As a following Pirate is not calling their regular TwinTip boards ”real sandwich” construction because they really are not, its just a core wraped with several layer of cloth, just as any other brand, but there is a possibility to bond two thin sheets of airex together with cloth between and then wrap it with cloth, that is almost a ”true sandwich” if you consider the cloth between the sheets being the core:grin:.Anyway my personal opinion is: build as simple as possible as long as it does the job:grin:. I would try your board, that is if i could kite-surf, which i can not, not yet anyway, i do have all the kit needed but i just havent ”started”…yet:grin:
Anyway your board looks like a killer, i really hope your fin angle works well it looks really aggressive
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