Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing "Coursebräda": Pirate Cruiser

  • tomw

    10 april, 2009 vid 18:42

    Kinetic- i love geeking out on this.

    If you read the composite construction literature, you will see that a sandwich construction is 2 skins with a core of a ”light” material.

    Your interpretation that adding skins inside the core is ” true sandwich” is marketing-not engineering. Its just a sandwich with another ”layup schedule”.

    A thermoformed board with skins of glass-abs, what ever, and an EPS core is a sandwich construction.

    Dig into the engineering and material science and you´ll see that sandwiches can be made a lot of different ways, they occur in nature frequently and that saying ”true sandwich” is like saying ” real butter”

    Have fun.

  • bohm

    10 april, 2009 vid 20:12

    I can´t belive it’´s not butter….

  • kinetic

    11 april, 2009 vid 05:40

    TomW: Lets put it this way: The core is surrounded with a sandwich-construction, that is (in real life) what most people think of when speaking of a ”sandwich board”… Even if the old type windsurfboards was indeed ”sandwich” boards when looking at what the term ”sandwich” really means, it was not really what they were called…No need for further discussion since i do agree with you about what a sandwich is technically, but as far as it goes for me i will never consider a termoformed BIC windsurfer as a sandwich board, even if it should be considered as one:grin:

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